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Posts posted by Alcatraz

  1. Am 8.11.2014 um 22:42 schrieb DPI Wizard:



    176.png Overwatch - Hipfire
    Options -> Controls -> Mouse
    Sensitivity 1
    Sensitivity 1
    Sensitivity 15
    Sensitivity 100
    Default FOV:
    Field of View 103 | Horizontal Degrees (Resolution Base)
    FOV Notes:
    Can be adjusted in-game under Options -> Video
    Affected by:
    FOV: No | WPS: No


    176.png Overwatch - Widowmaker/Ana Scope
    Options -> Controls -> Mouse
    Sensitivity 1
    Sensitivity 1
    Sensitivity 15
    Sensitivity 100
    Multiplier 1
    Widowmaker/Ana - Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed 0.01
    Widowmaker/Ana - Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed 30
    Widowmaker/Ana - Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed 100
    Setting the Relative Aim to 0 is possible, but result in the same sensitivity as the default 30.
    You need to select Widowmaker/Ana as the hero when you are changing the controls to access the Relative Aim Sensitivity setting.
    Default FOV:
    Field of View 103 | Horizontal Degrees (Resolution Base)
    FOV Notes:
    The zoomed FOV can not be changed.
    Affected by:
    FOV: No | WPS: No

    Possible bug?

    When converting from Windows to OW, Ana sens results in 37.92 and Ashe sens results in 51.51.

    When converting from OW hipfire to OW ADS, Ana sens results in 37.89 and Ashe sens results in 51.47. (Those are the results that seem to be correct.)

    Both times 0%MM was used.


    EDIT: Previous poster seems to be describing a similar phenomenon.

  2. Am 11.2.2019 um 20:36 schrieb DPI Wizard:

    I think I know what the issues is. Bioshock Infinite is the only game I've ever encountered where the WPS setting doesn't scale to the Windows norm, i.e.

    • 6 = 1/1
    • 5 = 3/8
    • 4 = 1/4
    • 3 = 1/8 
    • etc

    Instead it's:

    • 6 = 1/1
    • 5 = 0.8
    • 4 = 0.6
    • 3 = 0.4

    But the code currently only supports the Control Panel WPS values (1-11), there are gaps for the registry config which are missing. I think that's what's throwing the calculation off.

    I'll take a closer look at this, they might even have changed the scaling since it was first analyzed for all I know.

    Yup, it seems you're right. It got me very close with a workaround using the data you provided. There still seems to be a small discrepancy of like 2-3%, but that could be caused by something else entirely I suppose. Thanks!

  3. vor 8 Stunden schrieb DPI Wizard:

    I'll check if something is updated or wrong. Can you post a screenshot of your calculator as well?

    I've tried different configurations but this one made the most sense to me. I've also tried converting from Overwatch with the same results.

    I've been tweaking the ingame settings a bit and it seems that a value close to 0.061243 would be correct, if I read the config correctly. None of the calculator configurations I tried led me to something that would be close to this.


  4. Am 7.1.2013 um 14:51 schrieb DPI Wizard:



    Config file:
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config
    Sensitivity 1
    You must set the MinMouseLookSensitivity below your sensitivity and MaxMouseLookSensitivity to your sensitivity in the config file, and set the slider ingame to max. Setting the MouseLookSensitivity value directly in the file will be overwritten when the game starts. A slight positive and negative acceleration will occur based on count sizes.
    Default FOV:
    70 | Horizontal Degrees (4:3 Base)
    FOV Notes:
    In-game slider let's you increase FOV by up to 15%. Edit MaxUserFOVOffsetPercent in the config file to increase this percentage. Set it to 28.57 and the slider to max to get a FOV of 90.
    Affected by:
    FOV: No | WPS: Yes
    Unreal Engine 3


    Bioshock Infinite - Hipfire

    Config file: XUserOptions.ini

    Path: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config


    Minimum: MouseLookSensitivity=0.001

    Default: MouseLookSensitivity=0.6

    Maximum: MouseLookSensitivity=4

    Console: N/A

    Notes: You must set the MinMouseLookSensitivity below your sensitivity and MaxMouseLookSensitivity to your sensitivity in the config file, and set the slider ingame to max. Setting the MouseLookSensitivity value directly in the file will be overwritten when the game starts. A slight positive and negative acceleration will occur based on count sizes.

    Engine: Unreal Engine 3

    Affected by:FOV: No | WPS: Yes | Resolution: No

    Default FOV: 70 |

    In-game slider let's you increase FOV by up to 15%. Edit MaxUserFOVOffsetPercent in the config file to increase this percentage. Set it to 28.57 and the slider to max to get a FOV of 90.

    Added: N/A

    Updated: N/A

    I believe something is wrong with this one, I don't seem to be able to get the sens right (88.6314cm @ 360°; 16:9; 103 HFOV; 1100 DPI). Using 23.76 FOV Offset (103 Hdeg 16:9). If I use 3 WPS (my windows settings), it's way too fast. If I use 10 (default), it's way too slow. If I use 3 WPS and leave FOV at default in the calculator, it's still too fast. Any idea what the matter is with this one?

  5. vor 2 Stunden schrieb DPI Wizard:

    It should be the same as 100%. Haven't added it yet, but I will do it in the next update.

    This auto method has some quirks though, especially in that you absolutely need to use the same baseline for your conversions.

    For all the other methods It doesn't matter what you use as a baseline as long as they all stem from the same conversion method.

    I.e. with Monitor Match 75% you can convert A -> B and A -> C with the same result as B -> C (disregarding rounding limitations).

    This will not work with the auto mode as B -> C will yield a slightly different result than A -> C (more different the higher the FOV difference).

    Interesting. So the rounding limitations have more of an impact in the auto method due to the different nature of the formula?

    Also I always assumed that if one constantly uses different baselines for the calculations, the discrepancies would eventually add up and create bigger differences (A > B > ... > X > Y vs A > Y) so I've always been using the same baseline for the most "clean" results.

  6. vor 21 Stunden schrieb Jikko:

    Any fix or workaround for the killer sens being incredibly high at 800 DPI when its set to even 0%? My survivor's sens is perfect, but the killer sens setting in game doesn't go nearly low enough for my DPI, and I don't want to change my DPI settings.

    Had the same issue but couldn't find a workaround. Ended up lowering my DPI to 400 and adjusting other settings accordingly. Please let me know if you find a solution.

  7. I frequently read about discussions going on in this forum and something that I've noticed is, that people always consider 360°/cm to be the worst of all the methods (same FoV conversions aside) and therefore not worth using. But in my opinion this isn't entirely true.

    What if I for instance want to match my muscle memory to be the same for a 180° turn as in another game with entirely different FoV? I mainly see this being useful in games where the ability to execute quick and precise turns (FPS/TPS melee combat?) is of great importance (e.g.: dashing through an enemy and  turning 180° to face them again, all that as quick as possible).

    I'd therefore always use this method in games where the ability to make precise character-turns (usually to a point that is off-screen/off-monitor) is frequently required.

    Am I missing something or is it just an aspect that people seem to overlook when talking about the 360°/cm method?

  8. Are you sure that the default killer FoV is 85? Just wondering since the wiki states 87.

    Also can you please activate the FoV setting in the calculator? It currently doesn't change the result but it IS possible to change the killer FoV through perks (up to +15°).

    Thanks in advance!

  9. 13 minutes ago, Skwuruhl said:

    It's mostly because I don't know the equation for ADS sensitivity for weapons that have that special scope like the railgun and m14. I was able to find the exact equation for normal ADS so that's what I made it for. If someone found the equation (through UE Explorer or testing) for these weapons I'd be happy to add them.

    Oh and don't use 1.33333 anymore, that was for an older version (I mean unless you like that, would be a bit high for most people). If you want to have the same match distance as CS:GO/battlefield etc. then use 0.75 for coefficient. I personally use 0. If you want to have "viewspeed" then 0.7 will be that for all intents and purposes.

    I see. I wouldn't mind doing the testing work if it doesn't involve having advanced knowledge of maths.

    I'd like to use viewspeed, that would be 0.7 then, right? I'm using 45 zoom-sens in Overwatch (1080p, 103FOV), which is supposed to be viewspeed I believe?

  10. Just now, Skwuruhl said:

    Okay you need to change all the commas to periods/full stops/whatever you call them. That should fix everything. Although I don't know why numpad 5 wasn't doing anything. It could be related to your keyboard. You could change it from NumpadFive to NumpadEight or something and see if that works.

    Haha you were 5 seconds quicker than me, check out my previous post (it's edited).

  11. Yes, I also believe that this was the reason. Also you were right about the settings, the zoom sensitivity was indeed set to 0, changing it did the trick. However it always changes back to 0 after I press one of the numpad bindings.

    The output is this:

    SetBind NumpadOne "fov 100|SetZoomedSensitivity 0,684306"|SetBind NumpadTwo "fov 96,25|SetZoomedSensitivity 0,689674"|SetBind NumpadThree "fov 93,75|SetZoomedSensitivity 0,693276"|SetBind NumpadFour "fov 91,25|SetZoomedSensitivity 0,696892"|SetBind NumpadFive "fov 87,5|SetZoomedSensitivity 0,702335"|SetBind NumpadSix "fov 81,25|SetZoomedSensitivity 0,711423"


    EDIT: I just managed to fix the issue by changing all "," in the input-file to ".". Apparently my german OS also screwed up the clipboard output I got from your script somehow. After I changed the Numpad 5 key to Numpad 7 this issue was also fixed. I also get know that it doesn't matter that the FOV resets because it's the zoom-sens. that's supposed to change.

    Awesome work, I love it! I have one last question regarding what you said about the railgun in your first post, is there any reason why it can't be calculated like the others? It's one of my main weapons so it's a shame that it's not included.

  12. 1 hour ago, Skwuruhl said:

    Uh. Make sure you have all of java installed I guess? Or do a clean install of it if you do.

    I've managed to get it to work by using "," instead of "." (ex. "1,25" instead of "1.25").

    Now my FOVOptionsPercentageValue is 1.25 but I wasn't sure what to type in for Coefficient so I just typed in 1.333 as you did in your screenshot. My display ratio is 16:9 though, should I have typed in 1.777 instead?

    That aside there were a few issues:

    -The numpad 5 key didn't do anything, nothing changed by pressing it.

    -After zooming-in (ADS) the FOV always returns to what it was before I pressed a numpad key.

    -I can't move my crosshair during ADS anymore (no matter if I press a numpad key or not), when I ADS my crosshair is basically stuck.

  13. 3 hours ago, Skwuruhl said:

    To do this just open the folder in file explorer and enter cmd in the "address bar" like so:


    It should go without saying that you need to have java installed for this to work.

    Thanks for your response!

    Do you have any idea what went wrong here?

    (I've installed Java on my system before doing that.)


  14. Hey, could you add S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (and Clear Sky as well if possible)? So far there's only S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

    Would be awesome because I bought the franchise on the recent steam sale :)

    Edit: Off-topic but can you tell me how I can change my profile picture? I've never set one to begin with so I've no idea why I have the current one, is it linked to something?

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