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  3. It's added now, please post requests in the Game Request thread so we have them all in one place
  4. Just added! View full update
  5. DPI Wizard


    Just added!
  6. No, there are so many issues with this game it's not possible to make any kind of calculation. You will basically get a different sensitivity every time you move the mouse.
  7. DECIDIT isnt in this website could u plz add it
  8. If you have not modified your scope, you should the sensitivity from 1x Iron Sight, Red Dot, Holo, Reflex.
  9. These two games have different a FOV, so it's expected that they are different when converting from Windows. When converting from 2D to 3D, the resolution of the 2D part and FOV of the 3D part is what dictates the sensitivity. If you set the same FOV in CS2 as in Valorant by enabling cheats in the calculator, you will get the same result.
  10. wait or should i just use the sens that it gives me and use as base that sens on delta force to just get the ads instead of converting and also ads?, because its different ads if i do it that method
  11. hi so i'm converting 32.0707cm to delta force and i'm using scope magnification auo and the mdv stuff recommended in the calculator. The problem is w the low zoom (1-2), It's sooo fast (1.38), its really not what the 32.0707cm is supposed to be and i know there's multiple scopes with different sens but the principal Iron Sight, Red Dot, Holo, Reflex are in nearly all the options LOOOL. Which one should i pick if i only care about Iron Sight, Red Dot, Holo, Reflex? idc about 1.25 or 1.3 or 1.5 i just want the low zoom of the red dot and holo
  12. Hi! The calculator incorrectly converts the sensitivity from Windows to Valorant and CS2 – the values are NOT the same in the game. The conversion from CS2 to Valorant sensitivity is correct, but when converting from Windows, it differs, even when MDV is set instead of 360 distance, results are incorrect, sensitivity in-game is entirely different.
  13. Name: KLETKA Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1699480/KLETKA/ Status: Early Access Release date: Dec 13, 2024 Availability: Purchase
  14. It was indeed the cached files. totally overlooked that, thank you. ^^
  15. It doesn't need to be the exact sensitivity conversion, but can it at least be close? Can that at be done or how can I go about doing this myself? Thank you for trying and your input.
  16. Last week
  17. FlyKnight and Exoborne are added.
  18. DPI Wizard


    Games added Exoborne Legacy: Steel & Sorcery FlyKnight
  19. You have to exit to the main menu for the sensitivity to apply if you are in a game. View full update
  20. DPI Wizard


    You have to exit to the main menu for the sensitivity to apply if you are in a game.
  21. The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy. View full update
  22. DPI Wizard


    The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy.
  23. Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is added.
  24. The previous issues are fixed, so this game is now supported. View full update
  25. The previous issues are fixed, so this game is now supported.
  26. Unfortunately unsupported. This game has a lot of issues.
  27. Name: Zenless Zone Zero Website: zenless.hoyoverse.com Status: released Release date: Availability: Free Please add a sensitivity converter for this game. It will mean everything to me.
  28. Name: Wuthering Waves Website: Wuthering Waves — Waking of a World Status: released Release date: Availability: Free Please add a sensitivity converter for this game. It will mean everything to me.
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