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Posts posted by Zoddom

  1. Hey guys, I also have the feeling that something is going on with the mouse input, but I dont think its necessarily acceleration.


    Knowing the Unreal Engine and having played UT4 for a while though, I have my concerns that there might be something weird going on.

    Many UE games have something called GPU buffer in their video options, which is missing here. In UT4 that was adding a lot of input lag, but could be turned off.

    For Valorant it also feels a bit like input lag, or mouse smoothing.

    @ Wizard, do you check for something like this when analyzing?

  2. Hello! I made a topic about this on reddit concerning CS:GO.

    There were multiple questions coming up about how DPI influences the mouse sensitivity. Ive replied that the DPI doesnt change the counts/degree or anything at all. I said that the BEST way to play is by turning your DPI up all the way and scale your mouse sens down accordingly.

    But I am not 100% sure on this. Can you maybe tell me about how DPI is influencing the mouse sensitivity? Or maybe directly reply on the reddit topic.



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