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Posts posted by Plattfuss

  1. Hello, 


    can anybody tell me if my conversion is correct? I'am a little bit confused about the FOV and ADS,  regarding the previous posts about that topic. 


    Many thx


  2. Hi, 


    i just tried to convert my Apex Legend sensitivity. But i'am a little bit confused. What is the difference between ADS and ACOG. 

    After trying a little bit around with the calculator, can someone tell me if this is correct. Or should i use config for Location? 


    many thx


  3. vor 2 Minuten schrieb DPI Wizard:

    BFV is a bit confusing and shows you the 4:3 FOV, so it will be different if you have a 16:9 resolution (90 in 4:3 = 106.26 in 16:9).

    For the FOV to be the same in these two games you should set PUBG to 103 and BFV to 70.53. This is the best way to exactly match the feel and sensitivity.

    OK, than i will try this, one last question please, which FOV-type should i use for PUBG and BF5 for the conversion Hdeg-Res or Vdeg or.. or.. ?

  4. vor 3 Minuten schrieb DPI Wizard:

    They come out different because you have different FOV in PUBG and BFV (90 vs 106.26), and the hipfire is matched using 360 distance.

    If either set the FOV to the same Actual HFOV for both games, or change conversion for hipfire to a different method than 360 distance you will get the same result converting both ways.

    Ok what would be your advice change the FOV or the conversion mode, is one way better than the other? What are the correct values FOV and FOV Type? IN PZBG i have a FOV of 90 in the ingame config and in BF5 i have 74 ingame. BF5 did show me that this is a FOV of 90?... 


    thank you a lot for your help

  5. Hello, 


    i'am a little bit confused by converting my sensitivity from PUBG to BF5 and the other way from BF5 to PUBG. Maybe you can Help me out. 

    What confusing me is first the 100% vs 133% in the Zoom Sensitivity in BF5 and the different Zoom Sensetivity in PUBG.

    See the screenshots below


    many thx for your help



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