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Posts posted by Paintballer

  1. Hi, quick question, why 100 in the Coeffcient, how have you worked out this value?


    The coefficient. The soldier zoom aim sensitivity is a multiplier to all of the zoom levels. So for example at 50 they will all have twice the 360 distance as when at 100.

  2. I have been playing Apex now since launch, and the iron sight (or the pistol sight) ADS only feels correct at 0.9.    1 is too fast, and anything above 1 is way too fast.


    I see some pros also have the ADS set to 0.9, some 0.8.  I cannot get the calculator to this in any way, any ideas.   I know this is the wrong way round, trying to get the calculator to spit out the setting that is right, but I am just curious

  3. [INPUT]


    this is from the settings file


    Should i just up the mouse from 50 to 60?  How come the calc doesnt change these?

  4. Hi I am trying to convert my apex settings to R6.   However the calucalator tells me the below

    If I put these in its far too slow.  It says my 360 distance is 8inches.  Which it is in apex.  But with these settings its more like 10 or 11 inches in r6.   I have had to manually move the yaw and ads from 50 to 60 in game to make it anyhwere near 8 inches, but this is not what the calculator says, any ideas?


  5. Also what's the deal with the 4 sensitivities in R6 the two base values of 50 then the actual multipliers which the calc spits out.

     Just realised this is a bit off topic for apex chat. Apologies.

    Ok got you. Silly question but is it always best to match FOVs across games before getting the sens matched?


    I am thinking if I change the FOV now for R6 to match Apex., It's going to throw my sensitivity off?

  6. I think I figured it. It's the multipliers in R6 I hadn't changed.

    Quick question. I have a 16:10 1440 monitor and I have the apex FOV at standard. What is R6 FOV calc based on? And what value would match Apex base value on my monitor.

    Thanks in advance

  7. Hi I am trying to convert my Apex legends settings to Rainbow 6, but the ADS converter appears to have an issue


    See below.  For some unkown reason when you leave the Apex legens on All/ADS you cant change the ADS multyplier from 1 (I have mine on 0.89)


    What I am trying to do is get the same sens for ADS on the pistols (like the wingman) and convert this to the sensitivity for the ADS on Iron sights/red dot option)


    When I do this, the calculator wont let me put in the sensitiry into R6, it says the value are too low? 



  8. So the soldier zoom sensitivity in my example of 100% should always match the percentages in the varying zoom magnification sensitivities?

    I don't understand why these should be all set to 100% when the calculator in my example is saying 131%.

    I have a cooefecient of 0% a monitor distance of 0. So 131% across the sensitivities with USA on should be correct?

    It feels right 100% felt slow. Apologies if I am making assumptions but this is my first time trying to get my head round all this.

  9. Ok,  I am totally new to all this. Its a bit over my head.  What is MDH and MDV

    If I have Uniform Aiming on, should the coefficeint be set to 0 or 133?   If 0, should all the varying zooms have the same sensivity?  (I presume they should as you say Uniform Aiming sorts all this out)

    Sorry for needing this in basics.

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