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Posts posted by chrisf122

  1. The site won't allow me to post this on the supported games forum, so I'm posting it here.  After reading several threads I'm having trouble understanding how the sensitivity is converted from CS:GO to Apex Legends.  I'm using a 16:9 ratio at 110 FOV in Apex Legends.  I use 2 sensitivity.  I've read multiple times that they are the same sensitivity across both games because they use the same engine, however, when I use 2 sensitivity in CS:GO it just does not feel the same and I have a feeling it's due to the FOV.  Can someone help me out please to match these sensitivities?  I'm mainly playing CS:GO to practice aiming.

  2. So, I use 110 FOV in Apex Legends on a 16:9 res.  My sensitivity is 2.  If I'm trying to keep a 1:1 sensitivity in CS:GO would I use 2 sensitivity in CS:GO as well, or does the smaller FOV affect it?

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