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Posts posted by Noiz

  1. 10 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Check if you have a file called UserInput.ini under the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unreal Engine\Engine\Config.

    If you do, try to delete it and see if it changes the sensitivity behavior.

    Lol, that actually worked. Man I love you guys, you really know your stuff. Why did this happened though? I did download it today, but should I be worried this file might come back and mess things up?

    Also, I just love your website, I'll try to support in the future, but I just finished my studies and are currently trying to find a job. I trust you 100% after my experience with Medal of honor allied assault. 


    The calculator told me that 2 in Apex should be 2 in Mohaa aswell, but when I meassured by hand I got to around 2.33. So I was a little dissapointed, then I saw the note that said that the sensitivity was affected by resolution, so I put that in there and bam it said 2.33 on the spot. So I was very proud with the website after that, and a little with me, since I had meassured it so closely :D 

    Anyways, thanks for the help :)

  2. I'm so confused by this Kovaaks aim thing, not sure if the ingame options work. Cause when I pick Apex and put sens on 2 and FoV on 110 is way off from what I have in Apex. However when I put the Fov down it gets closer to my actual cm/360. But apex shouldn't be affected by FoV I think. I don't know, just confusing. 

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