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Posts posted by Archahic

  1. Hey guys - I am wondering if and how I can use this tool to build muscle memory on Apex. What I am trying to do is to make sure the Zooms / Sensitivity are the same from a tracking perspective on my mouse so trying to match pixels to arm/wrist movement I guess on any zoom. (My pistol / scope 1 seems really nice and would like to have that same feel when Sniping)

    Hip fire 0.92 on an 800 dpi mouse and on a 1440*3440 screen with a FOV of 90. I really like my hip fire sensitivity and would like to see if I can keep the "feel" the same for each zoom to build that muscle memory no matter the scope probably pixel to mouse movement ration. How would I do that? Read a lot of the forum posts but confused as hell. HD0, etc. Are you able to help? 

    Does this seem correct to achieve my end?



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