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Posts posted by Comrade881

  1. 11 часов назад, ZacJM сказал:

    Got a question guys. On Overwatch My sensitivity is 400dpi 8.42 and 37.89 scope on widow. On that sens my tracking is pretty good but it's hard for me to hit shots on Widow. If I go to 400 and 8 sens my snipes are on but tracking is terrible except far away. I want to learn Tracer and Widow. Any suggestions?

    I've tried the PSA method and am not a fan since I get anywhere between 8 and 8.5 (not as accurate as they say?) Coming back from Fortnite to real shooting games;) JK

    Im playing on 800dpi 12 sens have same aim on low/high sens just need a lot time to adapt to get smooth aim (1month enough for me)

  2. 4 часа назад, Nameless сказал:

    On a second tough after playing a few gs with ads conversion to monitor distance, i think the better conversion for muscles memory is 360 instead. I was at first seduce by the monitor distance conversion since it was a big lower and more precise than what i'm used to but it feel like a all new sens. You guys say that its a question of personal preference but at my experience if its muscles memory that you want to preserve than you are better of with 360 distance. Which make sens because what your muscles remember is not the monitor distance but how much you ave to move your mouse to make a certain angle of a 360, if i understand the mechanic correctly. Monitor distance feel the same but it break your muscles memory since the the distance in angles degree is not the same.

    u havent same fov in scope with your hipfire

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