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  1. I didn't know that, as I have no experience in game design whatsoever. I just like to play a variety of shooter games, and the way Battlefield was treating their 1x sights or any sight to be honest, is kinda weird. Even though I hate how most games handle this critical aspect of the game. I wish more games would handle their scopes and FOV more like Apex Legends just having a cfg with a number you can change to whatever you like, and it's just working fine. But Games Like PUBG, BF and COD don't want me to easily change the aiming to fit my preferred R6 or Apex Settings, while I don't want to start talking about R6 here. In the end, I appreciate your comments so far. Gives me a new perspective on that matter. At this Point, I will consider my problems with BF as solved as it seems like LIZ Rocket launcher is linked to vehicle sensitivity what only dice could change. And learning how to not die instantly every time I try to fly with anything is probably a skill issue on my side.
  2. I Just tried it ingame, and it seems like you are right. I just have to say that I think it's confusing why they added the 1×00 slide to the game if they don't have a 1×00 sight, this just makes no sense to me. Also, why are some iron sights marked as just irons sights without the 1×25 information and others not, I mean, as far as I can tell, all Portal/old BF weapons are just missing the 1×25 information what let me think that there is a difference as older BF games had 1×00 sights. Anyway, appreciate your help so far.
  3. Thanks for the prompt answer. I actually just looked it up. I wasn't able to find any normal scope with 1×00, even though I thought there are some pistols or something with it. But I was, in fact, able to find iron sights with the 1×00 scope. Almost all the BF3 marked weapons in the game have a 1×00 Iron sight as far as I can tell. When it comes to vehicles in the game, you could be right. I didn't try that but double sensitivity feels actually like normal sensitivity to me, but I would not bet on that as when it comes to vehicles in Battlefield I'm pretty lost, and they feel all kind of weird.
  4. Hello, I am used to converting my Apex Legends Settings to other Games like Battlefield 2042. Unfortunately, the Conversion doesn't function properly when converting to tanks, as it is essentially half the sensitivity. So, Apparently only a calculation bug? On the other Hand, the Calculation for 1x is completely missing. At Release when the Game didn't had any 1×00 this was fine, but now for over a year I think we have some 1x Scopes / Irons sights ingame, but the calculation for this setting is still completely missing. Would really appreciate it if you could add the 1×00.
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