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Posts posted by MattL4J

  1. 2 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Correct. If you are comfortable with switching ADS sensitivity based on the gameplay that works. 

    Excellent, thank you so much for the time taken for responses, I'm sure you get this a ton of these simpler questions.  I'll be recommending this site to my (decently small) stream for people who are looking to fine tune sensitivity.  Have a great one!

  2. 2 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    It really depends on exactly where you want to match the sensitivity. The percentage is from 0% (which is the tracking speed) to a specific spot between the crosshair and the edge.


    So I would use the calculator like that?  I would choose the horizontal match distance based on which game I am playing for ADS values based on how I want them matched...Valorant CS:GO and OW would be like 0-20% and for faster paced games like destiny and cod, i would use a higher monitor match percent?


  3. 41 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Can you show exactly what you are doing? That will help a lot and I can probably see what's going on.

    According to https://jscalc-blog.com/overwatch-zoom-sensitivity-calculator/
    Matching monitor distance % changes the sens for relative aim...for a game like ow where smaller flicks are better than large, what would you recommend as a monitor match distance %

    Edit: the sens at 20% monitor distance feels significantly better for ow, is there a tool for your calculator that allows me to adjust what distance I want to match

  4. 24 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Can you show exactly what you are doing? That will help a lot and I can probably see what's going on.

    I just went back and forth and tested between the two games, but I've played them both for years.  The way I snipe in Destiny uses larger flicks, whereas widow is small flicks with good crosshair placement.  Making large flicks in overwatch feels the same in terms of monitor distance as destiny, but that isnt the way I play widow.  Small flicks in overwatch feel too fast compared to small flicks in destiny.  The issue is on me I believe.  I used your second link and adjusted all the values for my setup.  1080p   25in   105 fov destiny vs 103 ow   800dpi 4 sens 8 mod

  5. 2 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    I'm not exactly sure what you are doing, but if you do something like this:


    Where 8.7 ADS sens in Destiny is the Red Dot matched to hipfire using MDV 0%, then changing between red dot and iron will change the OW scope sens.

    However if you do like this, where the ADS sens is 10 which is MDV 178% and is what Destiny scale the scopes by, then changing from red dot to iron results in the same OW scope sens (a decimal might change because of rounding).



    Then as of this point it is a matter of feel, but the value for overwatch is now higher than before for relative aim sens when it already felt too high.  Is there a way for me to test Monitor View Distance with a tool to make sure?  It might just be that destiny and overwatch as games feel different and i should use a different sens between the two, thanks again!

  6. 1 hour ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Probably because your conversion setup doesn't match how the scopes scale, which is MDV 178%. If you use i.e. MDV 0% the result will be different.

    This is on my end, but can you link me a post or the like explaining what you just said?  Thank you for the quick reply, you're insane.  It really makes me feel good about having subscribed...cheers!

  7. Can you explain why changing settings from ADS iron to ADS red causes a change in what my widow/ana sens should be in OW...i feel like there should be one resultant number.  If I use all and then move into a different game for ADS, the other game feels too high.  Hip fire values always feel perfect

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