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  1. First i`ve try using the same 360 sense from the higher FOV game (Apex Legends, 107 FOV 4:3 based 800 DPI 1.1 sense) It felt so wrong, because im a competitive player and very accurate with this sense, i'm very sensible to when it changes, it felt like the second game (Fortinite) was kinda like an "ads with higher sensitivity" compared to my main sensitivity, so, my idea was, if i convert the second one, 64 FOV, as an ADS 0% monitor match from the first one, 107 ??? the result was a much slower sensitivity, flicks was not doing their job, tracking was horrible, so i tried a 50% monitor match for the second one, felt obviously better, all aspects seems fine, but im not sure if 50% would be the most interresting value for this situation, any suggestion?
  2. Could u please redo and confirm this? cause sometimes i get bugs like the results makes no sense, like: CS:GO to CS:GO 1.0 800 DPI = 2.7 400 DPI
  3. I tried to calculate the Windows Sesitivity to CS:GO I think I did it wrong cause it does not feel the same, or I'm crazy 800 DPI Resolution: 1366x768 The result was 1.808579 Is that correct?
  4. Wr Wizards but what about the recent COD's? They do the same thing? The ADS Sensitivity feels higher than the olders
  5. It just matches the hip fire of both games, the ADS of Black Ops 2 or is way slower than your hipfire sensitivity when you are at 90 FOV, the newer games like Black Ops 3 all the sights feels the same as the hip fire but Black Ops 2, feels like you are at 40% of the hip fire sensitivity (i tried to measure the 360 of both ADS and hip fire)
  6. I don't know how to do the calculation, can you help a noob? Call of Duty: Black Ops II Sensitivity: 1.0 800 DPI WPS 6 FOV 90 The ADS FOV is 50
  7. As the title says, i don't know how to match older COD games to CS GO sensitivity. Atleast i wish to know how much the sensitivity decrases when you ADS at 90 FOV and just do some math Please help me guys
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