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Combat Champions

All aims use the same sensitivity setting, choose the sensitivity for the aim you prefer to be matched.

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

The sensitivity and FOV changes depending on certain actions and where you are (indoor etc). The calculations are for the view when you move around outdoor.

Russian Fishing 4

See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.

Arena Breakout: Infinite

Hipfire is added, aims coming soon!

Project L33T

See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.

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  1. Yesterday
  2. Fine Aiming Control adds negative acceleration to small movements, and this is impossible to calculate as it depends on several factors like how fast you move your mouse and DPI. So support for this can't be added.
  3. This is updated now. Only for in-game settings though, as the hex conversion does not currently support multiple inputs.
  4. Name: SCP: Roleplay Website: Roblox Status: released Release date: 5/16/2020 Availability: Free Cheers!
  5. I mean thats probably true, but if i lower my sens and remove all of that my ads becomes slower aswell because of the fine aim which makes its so i can look around quick when not ads'ing
  6. Hello. They added fov and aim sens to this game can you update it pls
  7. Both of these options are mouse filtering and acceleration. You probably need them on because your DPI is too high. They're not feasible to create useful calcs for. (mb for double post.)
  8. Both of these options are mouse filtering and acceleration. You probably need them on because your DPI is too high. They're not feasible to create useful calcs for.
  9. Last week
  10. Maybe mouse smoothing scale doesn't change anything but fine aiming control definitely does alot
  11. My aim becomes really bad without them
  12. There is no reason to add support for these options, as they only add inaccuracies to the sensitivity. On other words, they don't add anything to the sensitivity, so turn them off.
  13. GTA 5 online: Option to add mouse smoothing scale settings Option to add fine aiming control on or off
  14. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2111190/MULLET_MADJACK/
  15. All aims use the same sensitivity setting, choose the sensitivity for the aim you prefer to be matched. View full update
  16. All aims use the same sensitivity setting, choose the sensitivity for the aim you prefer to be matched.
  17. Name: Combat Champions Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2309440/Combat_Champions/ Status: Playtest Release date: Not confirmed Availability: Free
  18. Name: Dread Delusion Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574240/Dread_Delusion/ Status: Released Release date: 14 May, 2024 Availability: Purchase
  19. Ohh okay I was confused because the page says Config file 1 and file 2, ty
  20. There's only one config file, but it has two values for each sensitivity setting (Sensitivity and LastConvertedSensitivity).
  21. quick update: upon further investigation: the smoothing gets increased whenever you try to use Simultaneous Inputs (Mixed Inputs) as well. Basically: whenever a Game Controller is active. First-Person mode isn't affected by this.
  22. The sensitivity and FOV changes depending on certain actions and where you are (indoor etc). The calculations are for the view when you move around outdoor. View full update
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