I've been trying to figure out how to convert Apex Hipfire / 1x ADS to other shooters. Whenever it feels off, I use Kovaak's sensitivity matcher. However, I am relatively sure I am misusing the calculator. I have problems converting the 1x ADS (1.25 General ADS Multiplier) from Apex to other games. Since I get the idea that Apex uses a specific formula/code for ADS to FOV to have a sense of flow. Whenever I switch to, let's say, as an example, Back 4 Blood. I can get the hipfire correctly, but not the ADS. For Example, B4B's ADS 1x matching to hipfire is 1.2 (90 FOV); However, the calculator does not provide this value.
The struggle starts when I want to convert the high zoom scope (B4B) with an identical feeling to the 4x optic from Apex.
Assuming the cm/360 value is correct from the JSCalc.io for setting the ads multiplier to 1.25, I wonder if it is possible to input this data somehow to be universal towards other games?