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  1. I wanted to mention that the sensitivity did change like the one mentioned above. Not sure when it was implemented, but would be great if it can be updated.
  2. Hmm, strange. It is probably because I am setting it towards the Horizontal FOV constant to get the 90 FOV; otherwise, it'll only get to 80 FOV in B4B. However, I tested the High Zoom (4x), which resulted in 0.857, so I am clueless. I tried playing around with the fovScale for the Apex section, but there were limitations to converting the 4x Optic.
  3. Thanks for the hasty reply; I noticed the FOV value was 73 for B4B. Upon testing, 73 FOV did not match, but at 90 FOV, it did match. Could this be an error towards ADS since it appears both games are affected by FOV? The hipfire works perfectly fine which is what I find strange.
  4. I've been trying to figure out how to convert Apex Hipfire / 1x ADS to other shooters. Whenever it feels off, I use Kovaak's sensitivity matcher. However, I am relatively sure I am misusing the calculator. I have problems converting the 1x ADS (1.25 General ADS Multiplier) from Apex to other games. Since I get the idea that Apex uses a specific formula/code for ADS to FOV to have a sense of flow. Whenever I switch to, let's say, as an example, Back 4 Blood. I can get the hipfire correctly, but not the ADS. For Example, B4B's ADS 1x matching to hipfire is 1.2 (90 FOV); However, the calculator does not provide this value. The struggle starts when I want to convert the high zoom scope (B4B) with an identical feeling to the 4x optic from Apex. Assuming the cm/360 value is correct from the JSCalc.io for setting the ads multiplier to 1.25, I wonder if it is possible to input this data somehow to be universal towards other games?
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