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  1. Just found out that the pu and pu-1 scopes are 4x instead of 3x. The game might do some updates recently. Can u do a update for the calculator? Thx a lot! Btw, u can download a map from steam workshop where u can easily have access to all weapons in all factions, the link is below: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2065975972
  2. So the game was updated just now, basically, everthing is changed, hope we can get an update soon. Thank you so much!
  3. Ohh, that's toally my bad, I didn't see there is a certain selection for that. I'm so stupid. So sorry for taking your time.
  4. So, I want that I can input the fov value in calculator when I select Hipfire. Right now, it's locked to 90 as the image shown
  5. Could you unlock the fov settings for CSGO? As it's can be changed through commend fov_cs_debug BTW, I have a question about the hipfire sensitivity related to the fov. So, according to the notes, I leart that the hipfire sensitivity is affected by the fov and it's (Monitor Distance Vertical 133.3333%). So, if I want to know what's the 360° Distance when my csgo's fov is 60 Hdeg 4:3 for example. I should set Hipfire / Look as Monitor Distance Vertical 133.3333% and just choose another game whose fov can be changed. And set that game's fov to 60 Hdeg 4:3 as well, and check the 360° Distance in that game.
  6. Oh, It's the smoothing's problem! Thank you so much!!! Sorry for the neglecting the notes!
  7. Thx a lot! But I noticed that the ads sensitivity is too slow. I fell like it's not accurate. Could you give a check for that? It may because the change of the fov or they just changed the method of the sensitivity. You can go into the customization and select HR & ARMORY. In this page, you could select different weapons and press 'T' to test them in the shooting range. Maybe you can use the default tk-47 as an example? It has a default iron sight.
  8. btw, u can change sensitivity through game files just like other unreal engine games the path is %LOCALAPPDATA%\ProjectBoundary\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\GameUserSettings.ini
  9. This game recently got a playtest, the sensitivity settings seems changed a little bit. Maybe we can have an update?
  10. Hi, just like I said previously, the calculator needs an update, especially for bolt action rifles (when ads the fov stays unchanged and when press shift to focus the fov would change) Hope we can have an update for the calculator
  11. Hello, I noticed that different types of guns have different fov when doing ads. For example, bolt action rifle's fov is around 60 when ads and m1 carbine or g43's fov is around 75 when ads. Can we have an update on the calculator? Thx a lot.
  12. Hi, so I notice that this game has different fov for different types guns when focus (press shift while ads). For example, HFOV : 91.260208 degrees for assault rifles or submachine guns, HFOV: around 76~77 degrees for bolt action rifles (this is not accurate, so I hope u guys can give an accurate value as well? ). Hope there will be an upadate adding more options for aiming calculation. Thanks a lot !!!!!
  13. I find that ads fov is not fixed rightnow, it is affected by the fov settings, hope there will be an update. Never mind I find I was wrong. Sorry for the wrong information.
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