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Cat's Achievements

  1. mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 "1.070593" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_1 "1.168017" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_2 "1.199889" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_3 "1.211063" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_4 "1.219046" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_5 "1.221840" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_6 "1.223133" I think we have firmly hit the "about right" stage. That actually felt really good even on ultrawide. Obviously long horizontal flicks aren't going quite where they should, but anything vertical or horizontal within roughly half a screen's length feels accurate. Thanks a lot.
  2. Quake Live itself doesn't really work that well in widescreen resolutions regardless of FOV. I know I and a few other aimers play 4:3 letterboxed even on ultra-widescreen monitors due to the extreme levels of fish-eye (or whatever the proper term is) present in widescreen regardless of FOV making it unreasonably difficult to properly judge distances. I hear from some that Quake Champions has similar issues and is better played in 4:3 if you want to aim your best, though I can't say since I've only played QC a few times. Still, I don't need it to be perfect for Apex even if I play it on ultrawide, I just need it to be good enough so that I'm not completely wrecking my muscle memory. Assuming 4:3, would it be about right? I've played some target shooting in Apex and found that the further in I zoom the more it feels like my cursor is moving too slow. This is what I've got for my config so far. cl_fovScale "1.42857" (100 @ 4:3) mouse_sensitivity "0.962121" mouse_use_per_scope_sensitivity_scalars "1" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 "1.1006366127883664" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_1 "1.2577175152712603" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_2 "1.315247519056545" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_3 "1.3363129172868717" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_4 "1.3516755792116053" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_5 "1.3571166143275724" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_6 "1.3596464793180723" I know scalar_0 is only going to be accurate for one set of weapons no matter what I do, but eh. For comparison, my QL settings. seta m_cpi "1200" seta cg_fov "100" seta sensitivity "10" (10 degrees per cm for 36cm/360) All other relevant settings at default with zoomfovs between 17.5 and 75 depending on weapon (they all feel the same aimwise).
  3. The zoom sensitivity in Quake Live is calculated by multiplying the sensitivity with arctan[ 0.75 * tan[ cg_zoomfov / 2 ] ] / arctan[ 0.75 * tan[ cg_fov / 2 ] ]. Does that mean I need to have ADS/Scope at 133% Vertical Monitor Distance to get the correct ADS multipliers for Apex so the zoom scaling will be the same in both games?
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