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Liam's Achievements

  1. Hello again ! Now that there is a fov slider and there is changes on PUBG how is the best way to convert from Overwatch to PUBG? In Overwatch I´m using : 1600 dpi / 6 sens in game and 38 sens for Ana/Widow Scope. Is better to increase on PUBG the fov to maximum? Thanks !.
  2. Hello, If you think that develop the tool doesn´t costs money, you can try to develop one yourself, or maybe even you think that this web and the server maintenance doesnt cost money. I´m not the developer, I´ m just an user, I thought I could reply you instead to your request. Have a good day.
  3. Hi ! thanks for your fast reply ! then instead "viewspeed" "Monitor Match" at 0% . Should I use "hipfire" for: normal, scoping , targeting , and "Widomaker/Ana ADS" with my 38 sens (scope) for the scopes x2,x4,x8...? am I right? Thank you.
  4. Hello there ! I´m trying to get the best conversion from Overwatch to PUBG, can anyone help me a bit? I´m messing with the calculator. In Overwatch I´m using : - 1600 dpi / 6 sens in game and 38 sens for Ana/Widow Scope. How should I try to get this ? Thanks to everyone!.
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