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Joule Zeath

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  1. Thank you for the response but I don't understand what you mean, I wanted to know what gun/sight was used for the ADS calculations. Besides, the magnification levels in-game seems to be their own FOV rather than a modification of in-game FOV, so maybe that'd make calculations easier if we can match the magnifications with their respective FOVs?
  2. Sorry if this is a bit of a necro but I wanna be sure of a couple things. The calculator for Phantom Forces has settings for (ADS AR) as well as (Scope 10X) and I assume magnifications change the sensitivities at different Monitor Distances, but I cannot find what magnification level is used for the ADS calculations. I know it says "AR" ADS but different guns in the Assault Rifle category have different stock magnification levels. (This is base Iron sights magnifications without any optics btw) Both the AN-94 and Scar-L are in the same categories of "Assault Rifle" but have different magnification levels, with the stock Scar-L having an even bigger level than a stock DMR (MK11) The second problem is that a 1.0x magnification scope only works at 80 in-game FOV (VFOV). Anywhere above that will cause the ADS to zoom in and anywhere below that will actually cause the ADS to zoom out, a 1.5x scope barely zooms in at the minimum of 60 FOV. I don't know the math behind this but it seems odd to me. With this in mind I think it'd be nice to know what the calculator uses as the FOV and magnification level for (ADS AR) calculations.
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