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DPI Wizard

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  1. DPI Wizard's post in Arma 3 FOV Multiplier Confusion was marked as the answer   
    I've updated the FOV Notes to include a link to a working FOV changer, use this to avoid any confusion
  2. DPI Wizard's post in Fortnite building sens question was marked as the answer   
    Set Building and Edit sensitivity to 100% to keep them the same as hipfire.
  3. DPI Wizard's post in Option to calculate sensitivity using the Jedi's Trick method for custom MDH bounds was marked as the answer   
    I've added the option to adjust the coefficient for Jedi's Trick now.
  4. DPI Wizard's post in Fortnite to Mini Royal was marked as the answer   
    The game needed an update, so check again now. Your 8x will be out of range though, due to limitations in the game.
  5. DPI Wizard's post in Cod mw ADS sens, is this right? was marked as the answer   
    You have done it right. There's a quite big difference in the FOV between the games, so the Handgun Iron Sight / Reflex in MW is about the same FOV as hipfire in Fortnite. Not much you can do about this though, but it might make the relation between hipfire and aims feel a bit weird in Fortnite.
  6. DPI Wizard's post in CS2 sens to BF1 was marked as the answer   
    Since there is a mismatch between horizontal and vertical FOV because of the stretching, it depends on which axis you want to preserve. If they feel too fast with MDH 100%, switch to MDV 177.7778% instead.
  7. DPI Wizard's post in Call of duty Relative affected, to apex conversion was marked as the answer   
    You have done it correctly, although you should technically use MDV 178% and not 177.7778% to match Relative Coefficient 1.78, but this will not make a discernible difference.
    That is what you should put in the config file yes, and for scalar 0 you have to choose between the two options depending on what you prefer.
  8. DPI Wizard's post in API request was marked as the answer   
    As said above, the calculator already does "everything" for you, you don't need to know anything about the complexities of the math, you only need to specify how you want the sensitivity to be converted.
    While it could be possible to to make AI answer questions such as
    "What sensitivity do I need to set in-game in RoboCop: Rogue City with FOV 116, resolution 2560x1440 and 800 DPI to match the 360 distance of in-game sensitivity 1.48 Apex Legends with FOV 110, 3440x1440 and 1000 DPI?"
    it would be faster and more reliable to just select these options in the calculator.
  9. DPI Wizard's post in viewspeed v2? was marked as the answer   
    It's the "Viewspeed - Vertical" option.
  10. DPI Wizard's post in Question about how to adapt sens between Rainbow Six Siege and Aimlabs (or other aim trainers)! was marked as the answer   
    Set the FOV in Aimlabs to the same FOV as you ADS in siege, then match the 360 distance. This will make it identical.
  11. DPI Wizard's post in Warzone 2 legacy to Apex legends and Battlefield 2042. was marked as the answer   
    Since Legacy MW is based on a specific FOV, you have to use this FOV as the source for your conversion. So do like this, and just change the game you are converting to.
  12. DPI Wizard's post in 4:3 to 16:9 cs 2 was marked as the answer   
    The vertical FOV is the same with 4:3 stretched and 16:9, so you need to switch the conversion to MDH 100% instead of MDV 133%:
    That should feel better.
  13. DPI Wizard's post in Mouse Sensitivity Discord Server was marked as the answer   
    I do agree that this would be a good thing to have in place, I will try to get it up and also integrated as soon as I can.
  14. DPI Wizard's post in Why do I have to change DPI to fit some games? was marked as the answer   
    The in-game sensitivity has a quite limited range, if you use the config file instead you should be able to match it without changing DPI.
  15. DPI Wizard's post in How does pixel rate affect recoil? was marked as the answer   
    The recoil, and any other forced movement like sway and head bob, are based on set parameters that move you x degrees up, down, left and right. It is completely detached from your sensitivity setting. If that is what you were asking  
  16. DPI Wizard's post in What does "The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy" mean? was marked as the answer   
    This is not related to the discrepancy shown by the calculator. This discrepancy shows you what the sensitivity/360 distance is with the calculated sensitivity is compared to the target sensitivity/360 distance, and is caused by the lack of decimal support by the game.
    The inaccurate slider note means that when you set the slider to say 3.3 it might in reality be anything from for example 3.21 to 3.39. This is the case for a lot of games unfortunately, and if there's no config file option there's not much you can do about it.
    This will make the actual sensitivity differ from the calculation, but usually not by a significant amount. Although this will vary depending on your sensitivity. If your target sensitivity is for instance 0.2, and the actual sensitivity is 0.29 due to the slider being inaccurate, you will get a significant difference since it's 1.45 times higher.
  17. DPI Wizard's post in Satisfactory outdated was marked as the answer   
    My bad, I thought they had moved everything to the GameUserSettings.ini file. I've fixed and updated everything now
  18. DPI Wizard's post in Fortnite to valorant was marked as the answer   
    Since Fortnite is 3rd person and has a quite narrow FOV, it's really hard to make it "feel" the same as a 1st person game with a wider FOV.
    What you have tried is the correct way to go about it, but I would suggest also trying 133 and 178%.
  19. DPI Wizard's post in Call of Duty: Black Ops III: boiii Client fovScale bugged was marked as the answer   
    In that case you can just use the normal Black Ops III calculations, they are the same as the boii client but with the fovscale locked to 1.
  20. DPI Wizard's post in Windows/Desktop and game sensitivity was marked as the answer   
    Nothing is really necessary as it depends on you preference. The positive of matching everything to Windows using MDV 0% is that 1 pixel movement will always be the same. The downside is that this will drastically affect especially hipfire when your FOV is different. 360 distance is usually preferred for hipfire as it keeps a constant movement for orientation rather than aim. So you know how far to move your mouse to turn around a corner etc. With MDV 0% or a match made to Windows/Desktop, this distance will change depending on your FOV. And while it keeps the aim consistent, this is usually less important than navigation when it comes to hipfire.
    But it all depends on the game and your preference, nothing is right or wrong, what is important is what feels natural to you.
  21. DPI Wizard's post in When "Synced"? was marked as the answer   
    It's unsupported because the sensitivity is directly affected by the framerate, making it very unstable and any sensible calculation impossible.
    So as to your question of "when", it will be added when the devs fix this issue
  22. DPI Wizard's post in How to convert ADS from game to game? was marked as the answer   
    Sensitivity 2 is the Coefficient (you can see this in the output), and the 0.68 is the scale for the ADS conversion, where also enter the coefficient so it matches, like this:
  23. DPI Wizard's post in How is the "actual zoom" calculated? was marked as the answer   
  24. DPI Wizard's post in Relation between FOV and monitor distance was marked as the answer   
    The relation between the actual FOV and the monitor distance is calculated, in this old video you can see it visualized:
    This is Monitor Distance 100%, and depending in whether you use the horizontal or vertical FOV to do this, you get either MDH 100% or MDV 100%. The method will for many make the scopes feel too fast, since you need to match the movement to the edge of the monitor (side for MDH, top for MDV) to actually match the movement. Monitor Distance 0% however, will match the tracking speed, i.e. the rate at which you move your mouse to track a moving target.
  25. DPI Wizard's post in Roblox Criminality sensitivity conversion completely off was marked as the answer   
    Actually, do you have zoom enabled in Windows? 150%? It might affect certain games like Roblox. If this is the case, multiply the sensitivity by 1.5 to compensate for the zoom.
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