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Everything posted by StoCS

  1. What i want to know is how i can get back what im using now because i dont like the 1:1 thing
  2. I have a question about resolution. I have a 21:9 2560x1080 monitor LG25UM56-P to be exact. I play at 1440x1080 4:3 stretched because i played cs-go and over watch at those stretched resolution at the belief it would make it easier to aim. In fortnite now im also playing at the 1440x1080 and im trying to figure out if i should play at my native resolution (2560x1080 21:9) or 1920x1080 16:9 or keep my stretched. I switched between all three of these reolutions. I found that i got most kills at the 16:9 and 21:9 resolutions but im not sure if it was luck. It also felt a little easier to aim. So if anyone knows about this and can help me with this please tell me.
  3. that is not how you edit it. You need to use a program calleed flrtniteconfig file editor. i would give u a link but i dont have one right now. you can search it up though
  4. i found that I found a sort of fix but i dont like it. If i just make a new account it will remake a cloud config. But it feels weird. What i wanted to know was how i could reset my current one because i no longer want the fix
  5. actually please tell me how to reset the config i cant play
  6. someone please i cant play
  7. How do i reset my cloud config cuz i cant change it back and whenever i delete it it comes back and it is still spiinning my mouse wehn im in fortnite
  8. WHen i did the fix whenever i try to move my mouse it is spinning me xD
  9. ok ill test it out. Is there a reason for epic doing all this stuff
  10. So it would be better to do that fix? if it is how do i do it and what is the save file thing in the calculator
  11. SO just to be clear all of this talk about fov and 1:1 ratios and vertical horizontal stuff is old and doesnt matter or should i still change stuff and download the client editor
  12. Please help. How do i find my current fov and how do i change it or fix it
  13. can someone please help
  14. what is the 1.4xxx fix im so confused pleaser help me
  15. amd how to change sens in config file
  16. i need lots of help because im confused with the questions ppl hve been asking. so at the start of the topic someome said there fov is 120 and the calculatlr didnt account for it. how do you change fov. and also the calculator sensitivity on the website is confusing
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