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Everything posted by Baht

  1. I have 0 experience with game development so I'm just assuming stuff here, but even though I agree that it's a relatively small minority that cares enough to complain I'm not sure how limiting the range of available sensitivity makes sense to do regardless. I don't understand the reason for developers to limit the options for sensitivity, because it shouldn't make any meaningful difference in terms of time/effort and what possible downside does increasing options for players have? The only real defense i can imagine is if the game doesn't behave consistently/as intended at really high/low sensitivities but I can't believe that is the issue considering how fast the lower limit of a lot of games are, and that still wouldn't explain not allowing decimals. I mean the only other reason to limit options like sensitivity is to avoid bloating the menus and how easy they are to use, right? Surely the sensitivity in the actual game files is just a float value adjusted by a slider anyways, so there's no reason it would have any specific limitations except from the range of the slider. Setting the range for the slider is the same amount of work regardless of what values you limit it to, no? I understand not making the slider from ]0,∞[ and using float values because it makes it harder to adjust by dragging if the steps are too small to see. But since the difference between 0 and the arbitrary lower limit is much smaller than the upper limit and ∞, is there really a point to having such a fast lower limit? But lets say you really really want some specific range for your slider to make it more visually appealing and since most players will use a value in that range anyways. I can't imagine that it requires any significant amount of time/effort to allow ppl to type their own values in the textbox displaying the number from the slider. Just make the box show/edit the sensitivity value from where ever it's stored in the game like the slider does, instead of getting a number to show from the slider itself. If it's a typed number there should be no reason to limit what values can be used except by the amount of digits you game can handle. Then you'd have the exact same nice visually appealing, uncluttered options menu for everyone to use but without denying players the option to customize.
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