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Everything posted by Acebandge

  1. Hi, Can you please list the affective FOVs for different ADS scopes? i.e. the ads FOV for the 1.15x 1.25x and etc. This is mainly for Kovaak's as I know that you cannot change the default Valorant FOVs in any way... I have calculated the FOVs for the zooms in the past but I have since lost the file. It would be much appreciated! Edit: just realized you can do this by specifically selecting the wanted drop down... SO MUCH TIME WASTED ON MATH FOR WHAT
  2. They added the new agent Chamber to the game. He has two unique weapons with two unique ads fovs. Consider adding that to the sens converter
  3. Actually, the client settings editor was updated recently so that it now can work as of the v5.10 patch. The update fixes an error that would pop up when trying to import or export to the cloud. Now you can edit your client to your hearts content! I recommend visiting the original subreddit post to receive new updates to the program for any patches that may come in the future: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/8i4g2v/release_clientsettingssav_editor/
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