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Everything posted by dutch84

  1. i don't prever any sync on, because every sorts of sync adds delay, csgo is not my problem.. hitting easily 500fps lol its battlefield 1 ,mainly larger maps (64 players) fps fluctuate between 190 and 230.. can we actually feel frame times difference between 3 and 5 ms?
  2. Lets say my lowest is 180fps and highest 237fps on a 240hz monitor 57fps between low and high and changing frametimes are they that bad for consistent aim? Or is it more of a myth and those tiny frametimes differences are negligible?
  3. I kinda agree on that! What i also like in csgo with shooting bots is, they fire back at you!, i think when you practise aim with stressfull moments you can be killed in a split second , you train to stay calm and focus on your aim instead of shooting at squared blocks with no battle environment.
  4. what is see is also lack of game sense, cod and fast paced shooters you must have map knowledge and learn how to peek, angle holding etc. map control and knowing where enemies can spawn is always a 2-0 without any shooting at all
  5. Train your aim in csgo or kovaak using mhd 0% or mvd 0% your sensitivity around your crosshair is practically the same would be good or bad to practise aim in the trainings maps ? Some people says its great others say it destroys your Muscle memory.. is there scientific proof ?
  6. So when you select mhd 0% or mvd 0% and the specific sensitivity number doesn't change that means the aspect ratios are the same?
  7. in some games your calculated sensitivity doesn't change with mdh 0% or mdv 0% am i right?
  8. yes i see, but it mean why does the sensitivity feels so different when its almost the same fov
  9. below almost the same 360/cm, however bf1 feels AROUND my crosshair alot more jittery.. how is that possible ? flicks are also alot harder that way, the cm/360 are so close to each other as you can see why does it feels like the sensitivities are way off ( even tho its only 2 mm... ?)
  10. Choose under location , config file and you find a specific number.
  11. very interested how you make custom mouse acceleration curves?
  12. nope numbers stays the same, i'm curious tho why can we choose 2?
  13. wow! thnx wizard!, does this mean i should convert everything with 360 distance?
  14. thnx! but how do i calculate so my zoom 1 on csgo is matching 4x scope in bf1?
  15. my awp in csgo at zoom 1 feels a lot faster then my 4.00x scope in bf1 360 distance wise i tried to calculate 360 distance but it stays at 1.00 for all scope sensitivities but what i saw is that fov in both games varies a lot when you zoom
  16. everything feels fine with 0% md except scopes 4,6,8,10x feels way too slow at 100% did i miss something? grtz
  17. I'm curious what to do when you switch to a lighter mouse. A lighter mouse feels usually much quicker with same sense as an heavier one, but I'm scared to change my calculated 360/cm which I use for more then 1.5 years in all my games. There isn't a calculator who tell you how to compensate your sensitivity with more or less weight. Asked this on mouse reddit and most of them said change sense but my theory is that even if the mouse is lighter or heavier your 360/cm is still the same so better to get used to the weight rather then mess with your 0% mm Correct or wrong? Grtz
  18. ^^ exactly this! that is what im seeing to! being very accurate with lower sense but not practical in games. i am using aimlab recently to train my aim , but seeing some of that exercises with insane levels of tracking speed is totally not realistic with games like csgo, bf etc people can be confused to go for a higher sense to combat that! what i'm thinking what should be a good option is to input walk speeds, run speeds (the game you train for), so you can adapt much better instead aiming on objects flying faster then a rocket lol
  19. lol i am an amateur bodybuilder hittin that gym 5x a week
  20. my sensitivities are 100% converted.. that is not the problem, its more that i want to hear other stories from you guys who encountered this problem
  21. so my sensitivity which i use mainly in csgo and bf5/bf1 is 2.28 @400dpi i can flick perfect and i am very accurate with this sense but when its getting hectic in bf5/1 i feel my aim is way to slow! (or i am getting tired in my arm lol) so what to do? raise the sense or keep my perfect sensitivity
  22. hmm ok, maybe someone can give me the setiings what i should do because if i convert it to 133% coefficient all my zoom levels are different
  23. My conversion from csgo to bf1 is superb however I think it need some tweaks. I play in csgo with awp always in first zoom (0.81) never touch the second but with the conversion l made its extremely difficult to play In bf1 with zoom levels higher then 4.00x and use your sniper for close action. I play with horizontal 0% and coefficient set to 0% with USA on, same fov both 90 All my sense levels in bf1 are 100% so USA can do its work. So technically my muscle memory stays in all zoom stages but you are bound to use only higher zooms with enemies further away, up close its horrible slow.. how can I change that without losing Muscle memory?
  24. EDIT, i changed bf1 to fov 74 , i think now its good.. both 0%mm and distance also
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