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Everything posted by IceKK

  1. I see thank you. I went with 1.666666. Is there any objectively more accurate setting for MDH? Like is 0% closer to cursor speed than MDH 100%? The difference is quite big.
  2. I see, thanks. To my initial question. I wanted to test out those 3 different ads settings to see which i prefer. What would XFactorAiming=1.666666 do? What would XFactorAiming=1.000000 and AimDownSightsMouse=100 do? And what do i want to change if i want sensitivity to "feel" the same and scale with fov and zoom? Do i just leave XFactorAiming at default and set AimDownSightsMouse to 100? Or 85? Thanks!
  3. What i am trying to do is: Find comfortable dpi for desktop usage with windows sensitivity setting in the middle. Result = 1000dpi. Now this is how i want everything to feel. I then quadruple that dpi value to get smoother zoomed aim ingame. (4000dpi) Then i set windows sens to step 3 for 1/4 speed. So effective sensitivity is the same as before. Then i convert that to ingame sensitivity like show below. (The reason yaw and pitch are at 100 was because i was testing going lower and lower ingame, so i would know 100 is my prefered) To be honest im not quite sure what i'm doing. There probably is a better way.
  4. If i want hipfire and 1x sight sensitivity to be identical, but still have managable acog, do i set XFactorAiming to 1.666666? If i want hipfire and 1x sight and acog sensitivity to all be identical i set XFactorAiming to 1.000000 and AimDownSightsMouse to 100? If i want sensitivity to "feel" the same and scale with fov and zoom i just leave XFactorAiming at default and set AimDownSightsMouse to 100? Am i understanding things correctly?
  5. Yes thats what i meant, didn’t know the terminology. Skipped counts are not an issue? I assume it’s only affecting windows and 2D, but have you noticed any drawbacks?
  6. Thanks for replying! I see, so i actually got it right the first time around i think. I calculated that in order for me to get my favourite sensitivity of (WPS:6 - DPI:1600) at the highest possible dpi i would have to settle for (WPS:3 - DPI:6400) as 6400 x 0.25 is 1600. But then i tested it with the mouse recorder software and discovered all the skipped pixels where the cursor doesn’t move at all, unsurprisingly, because of it being lower than 1-1. So i bailed and wen’t back to standard 1600. Am i understanding it correctly that those values would be better in games and equal in windows? (Sorry about my english)
  7. Hey i'm a bit confused. The whole markc 1-1 mouse fix thing is still relevant for windows and games that don't support raw input right? But wouldn't it technically be better to run low windows sensitivity and high dpi with the benifits shown in OP? As shown there high dpi with low sensitivity ingame feels much smoother. Why is 1-1 recommended in windows, but clearly not better in games?
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