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  1. So I guess my question is, if the FOV changes when you ADS, what is the benefit to having the same 360 distance as if you were hip firing? Wouldn't that technically make your ADS sens feel way more sensitive compared to your hip fire?
  2. Thank you very much! So these sensitivities would be for aiming without any scopes on the guns right? And if I put a 1x scope and god forbid a 6x scope, the sensitivities would change again? And when you mean 360 distance, does that mean even when ADS'ing I will finish a full 360 same as if I did a full 360 when I am hip firing?
  3. The question marks disappeared after I deleted them and I just checked my ingame settings and the FOV shows 90 so looks like it is working fine The number should be in quotations though right? I also play a very aggressive close to mid range playstyle using guns like R301, R99, and Wingman and I almost exclusively use the 1x HCOG or Hold scopes. The only shooters i've played are non ADS games so I don't really know if matching 360 distance, tracking speed, or flicking speed would be better for me. Could you possibly give me the 3 different 1:1 ADS values I could test to see which one I like better? Hope I am not asking for too much. Appreciate the fast response btw
  4. @DPI Wizard new to this whole sensitivity converting across games and wanted to ask a couple questions I've been using CSGO to train my aim recently for Apex Legends and want to make Apex sens feel as close to CSGO as possible I play 1920x1080p, 16:9 aspect ratio, so I think that means CSGO has a FOV of 90? For FOV, I changed the cl_fovScale to 1.285714 (after reading one of your other replies) but there are question marks that got put in after I saved the file. Know anything about it? Im using a 1.3 sensitivity in CSGO so that does that mean I can just use 1.3 sensitivity in Apex Legends as well? Also if I am playing on 90 FOV for Apex (assuming this is the correct value to match CSGO), what ADS sens would I need to make hip fire and ADS sens 1:1? I want to keep my hip fire and ADS sens consistent so I am not training two different sensitivities in Apex. Hope to get some insight!
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