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Vastland's Achievements

  1. thank you so much ur the mvp
  2. So im trying to match my cs go sensitivity with bf1 as well as possible. im using 2.35 x 400 on cs go with a zoom sensitivity of .96 in bf1 im now using 0.0175 as my hipfire sens, 74 fov for 106 hfov, to match the screen distance and 96% on all spereate zoom senses as well as 1.33 usa. did i do anythig wrong in my calculation? regards
  3. does that apply to all zoom ration in the game then? so 4x,8x,12x? because afaik uniform soldier aim didnt affect sniper rifles back in bf4, but maybe im wrong -.-
  4. One thing that might be of interest, it appears as the ingame setting for the 3.5x zoom actually affects both 3,5 and 4x scopes and the 4x setting doesnt do anything as of now. so changing the 4x setting to 10% will make the sensitivity feel just like before. I would like to know what zoom sens percentage roughly equals CS GO ´s mouse_zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 in terms of screen distance (not 360, because of drastically different fov) so I can match the two. regards
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