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jasio77's Achievements

  1. @Jakepapa I selected "in-game" in the calculator's options and just set it up in-game. It's not the best solution bot afaik it's the only one rn.
  2. @zanatur On which line did you add it? When I added on the bottom of the first section the game didn't load it up. It was present in the config file but after restarting the game and launcher numerous times it simply didn't work.
  3. For some odd reason "MouseSensitivity" is gone from the config file. I did a quick Google search and found a guy who has the same issue.
  4. Hey! I read many posts about coefficient and it's value. Many people say that I should use 1.77 or 1.78 because of 16:9 aspect ratio. Is that true or should I just stick to 1.33?
  5. As we don't have different sensitivity options (in-game) for 1st and 3rd person hipfire and targeting, for which should I opt for? I play both gamemodes the same amout of time so I just cannot simply go with one or another. Will one be more beneficial for muscle memory or not?
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