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Everything posted by t3h_m00kz

  1. e: i'm dumb. i don't understand fov. i'm wrong about a lot of things right now lmao.
  2. yeah It's real bad. If the Zoom Profile system gets reworked to calculate (mouse sensitivity / weapon sight magnification) * zoom profile sensitivity=output sens, it should improve significantly. I've submitted a support ticket on Waypoint and they've forwarded it to the devs.
  3. As in modding the weapon sight using Infinite Runtime Tag Viewer to ignore the "Zoom Sensitivity" settings under Settings > Keyboard and Mouse.
  4. oi. according to my testing mouse-sensitivity's zoom sensitivity recommendations are incorrect.
  5. I ran a basic AHK script to simulate mouse movement and ran a test against every sensitivity a while ago. These are what I found to be the closest sensitivity modifiers: Zoom level: 1.4x sens 1.4 Zoom level: 2.5 sens: 1.3 - 1.4 Zoom level: 3.0x sens: 1.3 Zoom level: 5.0x sens: 1.1 Zoom level: 6.0x sens: 1.1 Zoom level: 10.0x sens: 1.1 Here's an AHK script I've built to test by snapping to the edge of the visible screen. ;;;;;;;; ; Init ; ;;;;;;;; #SingleInstance,Force SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SetTitleMatchMode 2 #WinActivateForce SetControlDelay 1 SetWinDelay 0 SetKeyDelay -1 SetMouseDelay -1 SetBatchLines -1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; MacroRecorder defaults ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SendMouse_RelativeMove(x, y) { ; send fast relative mouse moves DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", x, "UInt", y) ; move } QPC_Sleep(S) { global Q,F DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "int64*", C1) while (((C2 - C1) / F) < S) DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "int64*", C2) return true } QPC(R := 0) { global Q,F static P := 0 return !DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "int64*", Q) + (R ? (P := Q) / F : (Q - P) / F) } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Test case setup ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Variables ; global DPI :=2400 global Sens :=10 global sensScale :=0.1 global inches360 := ((DPI/Sens*SensScale)/3.6) ;this correctly outputs 6.66667 or 2/3 global snapDistance := 2550 ;this is on 6.666667 360 degree distance in inches. ;65 FOV (360/5.538461538461) is ~1465 (lowest) ;72 FOV (360/5) is ~1595 ;90 FOV (360/4) is ~1980 ;100 FOV (360/3.6) is ~2175 ;120 FOV (360/3)is ~2550 (highest) ;not certain how the AHK mouse distance relates to ingame settings ; Functions ; snap(distance) { ; Snaps to snapDistance SendMouse_RelativeMove(distance, 0) QPC_Sleep(1) } snapStep(distance, steps) { ; Snaps in steps While (A_Index <= steps) { SendMouse_RelativeMove((distance/steps), 0) QPC_Sleep(0.1/steps) } QPC_Sleep(1) } ; Bindings ; F5:: ; Refresh MsgBox DPI %DPI%`nSens %Sens%`nsensScale %sensScale%`nFOV %FOV%`ninches360 %inches360%`nsnapDistance %snapDistance% reload return F4:: ; Run Test Q := DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "int64*", F) QPC(1) snapStep(-snapDistance, 5) ;Left snap in steps snapStep(snapDistance, 5) ;Right snap in steps snap(-snapDistance) ;Left snap snap(snapDistance) ;Right snap reload ;Refresh return
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