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Everything posted by Dency

  1. The game is using Lastconvertedsensitivity every time, so if i change the "normal sensitivity" in the config file, nothing happened. The normal sensitivity is only in game make a change. Anyone recognized this problem?
  2. CSGO sens 3, 400 dpi converting to PUBG scoping sens 103 fov, now shows me 50.585765 , before show : 61.xxxxx what's happening?
  3. Is anything changed with the sensivitity? The calculator now shows me a lower value.
  4. Hi. Can you add some brighter (white) themes to webpage?
  5. Thx for the answer. The other question is: Aiming down sight sensitivity, i want same sensitivity when i not zoomed in. The default is 50, feels slower. Sorry for my bad english.
  6. My calculations for r6 is : MouseYawSensitivity=12 but the config file : YawSensitivity=20 PitchSensitivity=10 DeadzoneLeftStick=15 DeadzoneRightStick=15 MouseSensitivity=12 MouseYawSensitivity=12 MousePitchSensitivity=12 Do i need to change all values to 12 ? Or just enough mousesensitivity and mouseyawsensitivity ?
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