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Everything posted by d4MiS

  1. Hello, i'm trying to convert my cs go sensitivity to apex ( i obtain a weird scope sensitivity). i'm doing something wrong ? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=8196e0d161b49c8ba41949738cb94894
  2. Name: Drake hollowWebsite: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739650/Drake_Hollow/ Status: ReleaseRelease date: August 28, 2020Availability: Gamepass (free), or Steam : 24,99€
  3. Ok thanks i will try it. It seems sensibility is weird with Vsync OFF .. The FAQ talk about that and i have this issue too.
  4. Name: Second extinction Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1024380/Second_Extinction/Status: Early AccessRelease date: 1 3 oct. 2020Availability: Purchase
  5. je convertis en fonction de CS qui est toujours en 4/3 mais les autres jeux en 16:9, c'est pour çà que je souhaite garder le scale à 133%. Du coup je change bien de résolution.
  6. je vais tester le mmdv 0% et le scale a 133% , car çà fait tellement longtemps que je joue avec une accélération dut au zoom ratio sensitivity 1 .. que je n'ai pas non plus envie de recommencer à zéro au niveau du muscle memory ^^. Je verrais ce que çà donne , merci pour la vidéo en tout cas
  7. Dans ce cas, si je souhaite convertir la sensi en utilisant Mdv 0% comme tu le conseille. Mais je souhaite garde le zoom_sensitivy ratio à 1 , je vois que c'est possible en ayant scale à 133% pour CS go par exemple. çà fausse le résultat , ou c'est la bonne configuration ? Le scale je ne l'ai pas trop compris donc je l'utilisais pas perso. En mettant le scale à 133% çà revient à garder l'accélération du coup, si j'ai bien compris.
  8. Etant joueur CS de base , je convertis tous mes jeux en fonction de celui-ci. Depuis de nombreuses années, CS a toujours été en zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1.000000" et une résolution 4/3. Aujourd'hui je joue mes jeux en 2K 16/9. Pour avoir ce réglage sur chaque jeux, pour ma part j'utilise le Monitor distance horizontale à 100% . Si une personne, jouais déjà en 16/9 , le monitor distance à 75% correspond à un zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1.000000". Mettre du 4% me parait inconcevable pour ma part çà fausserait mon muscle memory, à moins que je ne me trompe et que j'ai tout faux.
  9. Hello, I refresh my PC 2 days ago. Now i'll try to adjust my settings. But i'm so confused about cs go with zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse in the calculator. I played long time in 4: 3, but with a good setup,i'm starting to play in 16:9. The zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse auto change when i choose(16: 9) or 4: 3. The fov? i never change that, I always play with zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1.Scop is different between 4: 3 and 16: 9? When i try to apex,I have that in 4: 3 : And that in 16: 9 : EDIT : If i use monitor distance 100% i have zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1 in 4:3 , I need to put zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1.294350 to play in 16:9 ?
  10. Hello, i need some help to configure my sensitivity. I reinstall fortnite and now i can't use clientsetting editor to change cfg file. I have this error : Failed to deserialieze file. Have you this problem?
  11. Hello, thank you for this @DPI Wizard i have this : Different sensitivity on X/Y ? I'm doing something wrong ? or it's the good sensitivity?
  12. hello, Name: Ghost Recon Breakpoint Website: https://ghost-recon.ubisoft.com/game/fr-fr/beta Status: Beta Release Date: Beta 05/09/2019 , Final Release : 04/10/2019 Availability: Closed Beta
  13. Hello, I need your help. I just try to have my CSGO sens in BFV .. If i use this setting. I need to set all zoom step by step with USA ON?
  14. ok thank you very much, you are very fast to answer. it's very aprecciate, good game and thank you again for the great job
  15. oh thank you i saw , we need to have GstInput.MouseSensitivity set to 1 . It was a solution for mouse acceleration. I set it to 1 in calculator for that. i remove it thank you.
  16. Hi @DPI Wizard, Can you help me please ? Perhaps I miss some information, but when i use this config : My sensitivity is very fast, 1cm with mouse = 360°. I'm doing something wrong ?
  17. Can you add Apex Legends ? Free to play ( Launch 04/02 on Origin) , please.
  18. Sensitivity for Vehicule will be add in calculator ? @DPI Wizard or it's not possible actually ?
  19. Hello @DPI Wizard, they add new mouse control in game with a new patch. Saw this today, can you add Monster Hunter after this patch, please ?
  20. The sensitivity is the same of BF 1 ? @DPI Wizard
  21. Oh, all people have a key, DICE hate me lol... HF guys . I hope the calculations feel more a BF4/BF3 calculation.
  22. ok thanks. I tried it but we need to change DPI on ADS? Blunderbuss is ok but eye of reach and fintlock seems to low and we need to up DPI.
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