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  1. I was told that 160% was perfect for 16:10. Are the values correct in the screenshot ?
  2. Why vertical and not 160% horizontal ?
  3. I tried but theses values seems wrong:
  4. Where can we change MDH in apex ?
  5. I don't know if you checked my message @DPI Wizard, I play on 16:10, i think 1.6 coefficient monitor distance is the best. Is it possible on Apex Legends with a certain fov ? sens: 1.4; res: 1728x1080; no multiplier
  6. @DPI Wizard Hello, I play on 16:10, i think 1.6 coefficient monitor distance is the best. Is it possible on Apex Legends with a certain fov ? sens: 1.4; res: 1728x1080; no multiplier Thank you!
  7. Just to be sure, 1.33 coefficient with 1.18 multiplier wouldn't be better ? Is there a particular reason for 1.6 ?
  8. Ok, good to know. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in game, I travel less distance horizontally when I ADS than with hipfire. (relative, 1.6 coefficent and 1.16 multiplier)
  9. It was 800 dpi but I will try these values, thank you very much.
  10. I think matching 360 distance would be the best.
  11. Hello, I tried but I'm not sure I understand everything. I have 800 dpi, 4.67 sens, 1728x1080 and 120 fov. I would like to have the exact same sensitivity when I ADS with SMG (no scopes). Should I put something like 1.33 coefficient and 1.7x ADS multiplier ? Thank you very much!
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