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Everything posted by crispydono

  1. I don't have that folder but I figured out the problem. This issue appeared after I'd reinstalled the game. The game has Mouse Smoothing enabled by default. That's why the sensitivity felt off.
  2. I started with 120 FOV on the calculator for Deep Rock Galactic https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=8a951e6f37621c8a2963fe197bef92e0 and the 360 felt much slower than Call of Duty Cold War. Then I tried the default FOV (100) https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=4f59c1b6e982cd2781bf8da41c9d35c6 , using the new in-game sensitivity while keeping the in-game FOV at 120 and the feeling was right.
  3. I think they recently changed the sens to no longer be affected by the FOV
  4. Could you add ironsight "Aim" option because pistol ironsight FOV is different than 1.0x?
  5. Hello again. I like the 1.0X Sensitivity Scale, but 1.5X and up are too slow. Do I just adjust them until they feel right or is there something I can do with the calculator?
  6. Hello, I'm trying to convert my sens from Rainbow Six Siege. In the first image, the Look Sensitivity 0.245553 is good. But I want the ADS to feel the same, so I tried the settings shown in the second image. It lowered the Look Sensitivity which is not what I want -- I only need my aim to feel right when aiming down sights. As for the last two images, I assumed those settings were for anyone who wanted the 1:1 feel between hipfire and ADS. Since I like my Rainbow Six ADS on 65 rather than 71, I just calculated 65/71 = 0.915 then multiplied that factor with the default 1.0X, 1.5X, etc. sensitivities. Is this the correct method? Because it still doesn't feel right, but maybe I need to get used to the higher FOV.
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