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  1. I noticed the converter only gives 2 decimal places. Do we really know the game only saves 2 decimal places? Considering you can enter up to 4 decimal places (the same max as the MW config file will keep without read-only) and the fact this engine shares a lot with MW I wonder if the difference isn't the saved decimals but just lack of sensitivity value in an accessible config file. It feels to have an effect (for example 17.8451, my MW sens, feels different than 17.85) but that could be placebo, maybe some one with a consistent way of checking the same mouse movements could check if the inches/360 is slightly different between something like 1.0051 (the lowest to round up as the value doesn't round till above 5 not above or equal to 5) and 1.0100.
  2. Can you add the console sensitivity back as an option? Like how some games have "in-game" and "config" as options (I think halo mcc even mentions a memory editor since you have to read-only the config to get anything better than in-game). Though at least now I know why this site gave me 5.276=21.130263 last year but now just gives 21.1 for both that and my new updated (slightly higher) source-engine sens I was trying to convert to other games earlier today.
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