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  1. I found this on reddit, apparently someone found a "fix" to the god awful aiming in this game. https://old.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/jv2hiy/potential_fix_slippery_horrible_aiming_on_pc/ But as a console user with no access to any config.ini files, I guess there is no way of fixing it with just in-game settings?
  2. Hello everyone. I am posting here in hopes of finding the answer to my question. I recently acquired a new Xbox Series X with BOCW. Previously I played MW2019 on PC. Mouse and keyboard works without issues on the new console, however, in the Xbox settings menu there's a "pointer speed" setting. Any idea what it should be set to? By default it's set to the maximum value (10). I want to have the exact same mouse sensitivity that I have on my PC. I understand most of you are PC players, but perhaps there's someone familiar with the Xbox mouse settings. Thanks in advance. Also big thanks to @DPI Wizard for the amazing work, I converted my MW2019 sens to BOCW with the calculator and played a game with bots and it feels much better now, even if I am unsure about the pointer speed in the Xbox settings.
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