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Everything posted by Chase

  1. Thanks but I still don't quite understand how I should deal with the scoped values etc. I'm just bamboozled that there is so many different method and I just want one that has me playing with the same sensitivity as my Counter Strike one. I mean I payed for it but It's just kind of hard. I've been lurking this thread trying all the methods and different ways but I dunno.
  2. Hello I've been experimenting with different options of converting my Counter Strike: Global Offensive to PUBG. I'm curious if I should use viewspeed, monitor distance, or 360 distance. I really just want it too feel like playing CS because of how many hours I have in that game. Thanks all! Counter Strike: Global Offensive Sensitivity: 1.5 DPI: 800 FOV: Default 90
  3. Would you mind dumbing this explanation down. I just want to replicate my Counter Strike GO sensitivity, and I want to know If I'm doing it right.
  4. Well if I would calculate and used the 1st person normal would it even be the same if I used 3rd person in game because the different fov's or how does that work. Also can the DPI Wizard confirm this whole zoom_Sensitivity_ratio 1 thing.
  5. I'll believe you on this one because I use zoom_Sensitivity_ratio 1 and I want it all to be the same.
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