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I am Bluefire

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  1. I used 1.25x optic on all my weapons and they scaled hipfire and ADS 1:1. I also used relative with a 1.78 monitor coefficient. And tweaked the low zoom multiplier. Try around 1.2-1.25 it should sync up
  2. So you're saying I can get it to work like Legacy in MW by using relative in CW and changing settings? " unless you have a specific FOV"-And I do play at a specific FOV, 115. I'm new to this calculator I'm not sure how to read these things. Some help would be lovely!
  3. "Legacy works differently, as it is simply MDV 0% calculated based on your FOV. In MW it is MDV 0% to an FOV of 65 in Hdeg 4:3. So it is impossible to exactly replicate the MW Legacy in CW unless you play with the FOV set to 80/81 (which will be very close but not exact)." This is absolute garbage (no hate towards you ) I'm so used to playing Legacy "7" with 1x multiplier w/Affected at 115 FOV and there are so many people like me on Reddit who are desperately looking for a fix and now it's impossible to get it working like MW. I have looked all over the internet and commented under so many Treyarch posts and Cod partners. Is there any way you I could get it to be like MW or is Treyarch ever gonna bring the MW Legacy scaling to CW?
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