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  1. So I just stumbled upon this video: How come the simple calculation of CS:GO Sensitivity divided by 101.0101 equals the same results as on this site, even when using different dpi values?
  2. Do you know if that's the reason why this calculator doesn't give the same results as the jscalc one which might be updated or outdated? Or do they just use fundamentally different math / calculation methods? Not only the scopes, speaking about the general sensitivity. jscalc: Source Engine/CS:GO: 2.4 = PUBG Hipfire Config: 0.0195360 m-s.com: Source Engine/CS:GO: 2.4 = PUBG Hipfire Config: 0.023760 Judging by feeling, the jscalc one felt correct to me. Little highlight, really nothing special, but it felt like I could transfer my muscle memory from CS:GO to PUBG: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/RightReadyKangaroo-mobile.mp4 (left/right jitter because of AK recoil). I'm probably about to be told why the jscalc is wrong/bad but oh well, whatever works I guess.
  3. I'm sorry but I still don't understand. Did I do everything correct in the PUBG calculation screenshot then (http://imgur.com/a/Ko1s8)? Because the output values are not correct. Scoping sensitivity should not be higher than the hipfire sensitivity.
  4. Well it works for CS:GO, but the calculator doesn't let me change the Sensitivity 1 value (it's greyed out) for PUBG Ingame and Config. CS:GO http://imgur.com/a/HSMIN PUBG: http://imgur.com/a/Ko1s8
  5. What value do you mean? The zoom sensitivity in CS:GO? 0.8 Hipfire/General sensitivity and targeting (holding RMB) I want to leave at the same sensitivity. My 360* calculation is: CS:GO Sensitivity 1.6 = PUBG (Ingame) 45 Which feels about right for general use/hipfire and targeting. I'm not sure anymore if viewspeed is the thing I'm looking for. I think it's monitor distance judging by this video youtube.com/watch?v=RYCrGAJshvQ . The different match at % values are confusing me a little as I'm looking for the full compensation of the sniper/scope zoom, whether that's 0%, 100% or something completely else. So as I posted earlier the general and targeting sensitivity feels fine. However, as soon as I ADS any scope it feels way too fast, just like I would have the zoom sensitivity in CS:GO on 1.0 instead of 0.8. Obviously I can't just multiply my PUBG sens with the CS:GO zoom sense (1.6 x 0.8) because the zoom levels in PUBG are totally different. So I try to use the calculator with 0% match or any other % but it just doesn't give me the right numbers as you can see here: http://imgur.com/a/8ZpOB Even when I switch the scoping to 4x, it only puts the sensitivity to 42 which is still too high. I hope you understand what I mean. Edit: I don't know if the math here is correct but that's basically what I'm looking for, just for PUBG instead of CS:GO reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/43urd4/why_0818933027098955175_is_the_best_zoom/
  6. Converter works great for hipfire to hipfire (CS:GO to PUBG). However, I'm struggling with the ADS and scope speeds. I'm trying achieve a similar feel for scopes like in hipfire mode. Kinda like some people in CS:GO use a "0.818933027098955175" zoom sensitivity for the first AWP zoom level. I thought the Viewspeed option was made for this, but it doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? The PUBG sensitives either stay the same or go higher (the opposite should happen). And example would be, just going by feeling without the math: PUBG Ingame Sensitivity Hipfire: 45 PUBG Ingame Sensitivity 2x: 36 PUBG Ingame Sensitivity 4x: 32 etc. My settings just for reference: CSGO: 400 dpi, 1280x960 stretched, Sensitivity 1.6, 24 inches PUBG: 400 dpi, 1920x1080, 24 inches Thanks in advance for any help
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