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  1. hey, i have a question. shouldnt be the ads and crosshair 360 be a little bit different if you aim at head horizontal, because to get to that point you need to aim up? at least that should be in theorie because aiming in 3d is a sphere and aiming up or down changes the 360, right? so my question is, is it allready in consideration? and if its not allready should there be an option to set it like that for the conversion (if you try to get a ads sens from apex for example)? all said: i could be stupid and it doesnt matter at all, or its so litte that it would not really make a difference in that case. im just wondering because whenever i want to recreate the ads sens feel of hunt it never really feels the same in other games.
  2. okay maybe i also think about something in not the right way . the way it is would be fine by me personally tho, because i dont see cs as an ADS game so having ADS based on the game you play is better in my personal opinion. on the two waves i played i had everything, even all legendays (skins)
  3. testservers where open last week .. unlucky - also i updated the links from the last post idk if my logic here is wrong or if that really is the right way to get the other senses based of gunslinger? (i started playing hunter myself now but i played over 300h with gunslinger because old fps habits and it allways felt a bit wrong until i found that)
  4. okay with the right settings it worked. me dumb ... me not looking at the settings on top perfekt would be a choice to calculate IronSightsMouseSensitivity ShortScopeMouseSensitivity etc based on gunslinger (Shoulder Aim Hipfire) or hunter (default look) you can do it like this: first -> https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=d1c9d7b74237d57498898ab6a9b25b0b second -> https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c15f1e67b4bbb707635a885e80cfebba but not a lot of people comming from other games would realise its a difference if choosing gunslinger over hunter mode also i dont know if there is a difference in calculation for the different apature guns but if there is one beeing able to choose there would be nice (even tho not a lot of people play it and if they play its 95% of the time the nitro)
  5. i think i need help on this one im not 100% shure how i need to interpret Shoulder Aim (Hipfire) and Shoulder Aim (ADS), currently it gives me the same numbers no matter what i do
  6. okay that is one way, i also used cs to hunt than copyed the shoulder aim of hunt 360 and than used hunt shoulder aim settings for getting the other scopes for scaling based on shoulder aim, its possible but an option would clear up that confusion
  7. hey i have been trying to find some good settings and i feel like you need to add some options to the Hunt settings: - if you want to transform for hunter or gunslinger so that if you choose hunter the 0% on ironside etc are calculated by default and on gunslinger its based on the shoulder aim (because its allways the shoulder aim and the fov change needs to be calculated of that) - also give me the option to NOT have default look and shoulder aim to be the same 360... because shoulder is based on the fov of the default fov, so default look is either upscaled or downscaled (if you still want shoulder aim to be 1:1 to other games or default look to be 1:1) haveing it the same 360 just throws of the aim because shoulder aim is suddenly faster than default look even tho fov gets scaled down and ironside is than again proper scaling based of default look - also there are two apature sights in the game (winfield and nitro) while both use the same setting, they have different zoom strengths : winfield close to ironside and nitro close to deadeye gunslinger is shoulder aim based on default fov -> so the fov you put in is allways hunter even if you chose gunlinger
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