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Blood, Fuel, Ammo & Speed

The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the registry calculation for best accuracy.

My Friendly Neighborhood

There's a lot of negative acceleration with fast movements, expect some discrepancy.

Steel Hunters

See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.

V Rising

Use the config file for best accuracy.


The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the config file for best accuracy.

Battlefield 4

DPI Wizard

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Guest Michal Filip


I've been trying to play BF4 a bit more lately and I keep running into an issue, that I just can't get used to all the different sensitivities.

There are obviously 2 sensitivity sliders (default and vehicle).

However there are different sensitivities for a lot of things.

Based on the default one, there is ADS with Reflex sights which is 1.0 times I think and then there is iron sights sensitivity which is something like 1.5 times (mouse travel distance), which always throws my aim of quite a bit.

When talking about vehicle sensitivity, it gets even more difficult. There is tank .50 cal gunner 1.0 times (zoomed is 2.0 I think), than the main tank gunner which is 4.0. So I sort of strugle to get used to my sensitivity, when there are so many of them.

I'm not sure if it's exactly how it is, but you get the point.

Isn't there a way to set them all manualy, because I didn't find it. I would love to set everything to the same sensitivity, do you know how could I do that or is it just a thing of messing with the game files, which PunkBuster would recognize as cheats?

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  • Wizard

I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately you can only adjust the hipfire and vehicle driver sensitivity in BF4, all others like ADS for different scopes and gunners are basically based on those with multipliers. The best thing you can do in BF4 and other games that don't support more granular settings is to quick-switch the DPI for different situations if your mouse software supports this. An upcoming feature will allow you to calculate this :)

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Guest Franklin


Unfortunately I don't have the muscle memory to change DPI when I need to, yet, often when I'm in panic mode when I see infantry only few feet away rushing towards my tank to plant C4 and I jump out only to die because I forgot to readjust my DPI thus losing the firefight lol, But I'm looking forward to use the upcoming feature you told us .


I have a couple of questions if you don't mind, I wonder what GstInput.Scheme(0,1,2)Sensitivity in BF3 and BF4 do, are they really parameters that can fix mouse lag or mouse accel/deaccel? Should I set them to 0 as many suggests? Thank you so much, I have been using this website since my transition from MW3 to BF3 :)

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  • Wizard

I've done a few tests with GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity, and it does absolutely nothing to the mouse sensitivity on my system. The counts/360 remains exactly the same when it is changed. I don't know if this is dependent on the hardware and configuration you are running on though, it might act differently on another system. I'll do more testing at a later point :)

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Could you please add info on BF4's ADS? Its not directly configurable to my knowledge but probably a factor of the main value. I've seen posts claiming its ""half"" but that doesn't seem quite right.


BTW - great tool you've built!! Thanks!

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Guest selfarrested


BF4's ADS is different for pretty much every type of sight even irons vs RDS it's an awful mechanic IMO and makes it feel like COD

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Guest PinkiePie


I wonder if anyone could help me. You see i've used this website to find my perfect sens for Bf4, and it worked. Then I tried to make it the same for vehilcles, and it worked aswell, partly... Here's the thing in drivers seat it works perfectly, yet if I change for gunner it's like twice as high. Did i messed up somethings in gamefiles ? If yes what ?

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  • Wizard

You didn't mess anything up, the gunner sensitivity is based on the normal sensitivity, and does not have it's own setting unfortunately :(

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Hey, DPI Wizard, could you please check your calculator again. 'Cause I've been trying to set my sensitivity for BF4 to 18 cm for a full 360 (WPS is 6 and DPI is 800 FOV 90 if this changes anything.) and it gave my this 0.022707. I putted it in but i realized that it's not correct. It was something like 20 cm. It's kinda importent for me so please check this or tell me if I'm doing something wrong... Thanks :)

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  • Wizard

Hi! The calculations for BF4 are 100% accurate, I've checked them many times :) In your case two things might cause the difference in distance. First of all, is raw mouse input turned on? If yes, then the cause is most likely inaccuracy in the mouse sensor. It's not uncommon that they are 10% off, meaning when you have set it to 800 DPI, it is in reality 720 DPI. To doublecheck, try to calculate another game in the calculator if you have one, preferably one with no acceleration (like Mincraft, Crysis 3, BF3, TF2), and see if the distance is still 10% off.

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Raw mouse input is off. Soooo... you're telling me that with my Roccat Savu i have to put not 800 DPI but 720 ? If that's the case thank you :). Last question is there a way to calculate that Dpi is not exactly how it's written on Drivers for mice ? Or do i have to check online ?

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Raw mouse input is off. And as I said i had this same issue with Planetside 2 and Loadout so it is probably with DPi being 720 not 800 as you said. :) Thanks! Is there a way of calculating true Dpi of mouse or should I check online ?

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Sorry, for troubling you again (xD), but here's a slight problem, not with a calculation of sensitivity but with vehicle turrets in BF4. I play it a lot :D. See calculation for main seat in like tank or IFV is good, yet when I switch to a gunner position it's like 2.5x faster. Has there been reports about it or again am I doing something wrong >)

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Hey, even though I changed the Sensitivity of Battlefield 4 with this calculator, it seems like its not applying the sensitivity, I have to change it ingame... Any help?

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Battlefield 4 sensitivity settings need to be updated! They patched it. Thanks!

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Guest Pancake


Recently I wanted to play Planetside 2 again but I have some ADS sensitivity problems. Normaly I play Battlefield 4 . The hipfire sensitivity is the same for both games (thanks to this wonderful site :D) but the ADS seems off and I cant find a way to sort it out. Even though I know that the sights in BF4 use different sensitivitys and I normaly use the reddots( they have a sensitivity mutiplier of 0.6) .

FOV: BF4 : 90 degrees

PS2: 74 degrees vertical



Please help me :)

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Guest bubulus


Bf4 fov only scales in 4:3 - so fov 90 is fov 90 horizontal. planetside scales correctly so 74 fov vertical is 90 horizontal.

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Guest Dark Ethereal


Some interesting stuff I thought Wizard ought to know.


This was posted by a DICE Dev who goes by the name of jjju on the BF4 forums when I asked him about the more advanced sensitivity options he was looking into (after our requests):


""You get an option to select math based model for the soldier aiming which automatically keeps the aim rate constant in screen space regardless of FOV (this bypasses the numbers designers put in for the various zooms and takes care of the wide non-zoom fov roo).

You also get a slider to separately tune the soldier zoom sensitivity. Slider works with both the math based and the non-math based aim rate models.

And beyond that master soldier zoom sensitivity slider, for those who want to go hardcore: in the profile file you can separately tune the zoom sensitivity divided in 5 categories (by the optics type): close range, close magnified range, mid range, long range, very long range. I didn't put these 5 in the options UI to avoid clutter since they won't be used by many.


With lots of stuff lined up for release I can't give you a particular date. It is not in the March patches for sure. You will receive it some time in April or May.""


Watch this space!

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