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See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.

Blood, Fuel, Ammo & Speed

The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the registry calculation for best accuracy.

My Friendly Neighborhood

There's a lot of negative acceleration with fast movements, expect some discrepancy.

Steel Hunters

See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.

V Rising

Use the config file for best accuracy.

Genshin Impact

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You can setup custom sensitivity:
In HKCU\SOFTWARE\miHoYo\Genshin Impact
In prop GENERAL_DATA_h2389025596 stored json with config:

Something like this:

mouseSensitivity is doing it's job, but i have no clue how mouseSenseIndex works.

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  • Wizard
2 hours ago, Zekfad said:

You can setup custom sensitivity:
In HKCU\SOFTWARE\miHoYo\Genshin Impact
In prop GENERAL_DATA_h2389025596 stored json with config:

Something like this:

mouseSensitivity is doing it's job, but i have no clue how mouseSenseIndex works.

I tried changing mouseSensitivity here, but it didn't have any effect. MouseSenseIndex is the in-game sensitivity.

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3 hours ago, DPI Wizard said:

I tried changing mouseSensitivity here, but it didn't have any effect. MouseSenseIndex is the in-game sensitivity.

Idk, I changed it, and it woks. I mean, it was about 10 by default and i reduced it like 1000 times. (div by 1000) I can actually see the huge difference, try to use really low values: e.g. 0.001 or 0.0001, and set SenseIndex`es to 0 (min as in-game options).

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  • Wizard
9 minutes ago, Zekfad said:

Idk, I changed it, and it woks. I mean, it was about 10 by default and i reduced it like 1000 times. (div by 1000) I can actually see the huge difference, try to use really low values: e.g. 0.001 or 0.0001, and set SenseIndex`es to 0 (min as in-game options).

Strange, nothing happens here when I change it, tried 0.0001 and it's exactly the same as 10.

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36 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

Strange, nothing happens here when I change it, tried 0.0001 and it's exactly the same as 10.

I've just checked again and yes, now it has no impact to the game, maybe due to last update, idk, but game engine is indeed read and change values:

Sadly but, we have to look how it will work in future :(

You can try to play around with that settings, e.g. try to use fraction scales and see how game reacts (i haven't tested this one yet)?


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  • Wizard
Just now, Zekfad said:

I've just checked again and yes, now it has no impact to the game, maybe due to last update, idk, but game engine is indeed read and change values:

Sadly but, we have to look how it will work in future :(

You can try to play around with that settings, e.g. try to use fraction scales and see how game reacts (i haven't tested this one yet)?


I noticed the same happen here where it rounded the value slightly and added a bunch of decimals. Tried a lot of different values now, but they have seemingly no effect. A shame it doesn't actually use this value, 5 sensitivity steps is way to little!

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  • Wizard
15 hours ago, Zekfad said:

By the way "enableCameraSlope"false, seems to disable aim smoothing, at least on initial release, please test it out! 

Tried it now, unfortunately no effect on the current release.

11 hours ago, STR8_AN94BALLER said:

so using m/kb there's different horizontal/vertical sens? no way to fix?

If you have a mouse driver that supports different X and Y DPI you can multiply your X DPI by 4.44 and set this for Y.

For instance if your DPI is 400, set Y to 1800 (400*4.44=1776, round up to 1800).

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7 hours ago, DPI Wizard said:

Tried it now, unfortunately no effect on the current release.

If you have a mouse driver that supports different X and Y DPI you can multiply your X DPI by 4.44 and set this for Y.

For instance if your DPI is 400, set Y to 1800 (400*4.44=1776, round up to 1800).

aw that's such a weird bug :(


logitech doesn't have this feature unfortunately

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Wizard
8 hours ago, SladeNova said:

i use 12.28 in overwatch and 37.89 and 51.47 for widow and ashe but it says to use 3 look and 2 aim for genshin and thats wayyyy tooo slow

A lot of smoothing issues with this game unfortunately, so the actual sensitivity may vary. It also has a very limited sensitivity range with only five possible values, so the discrepancy will in many cases be huge.

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  • 3 months later...

Need help here plz!

Dose the mouse config change still work?

The route "HKCU\SOFTWARE\miHoYo\Genshin Impact" does not exist in my computer,   and I did search every part of my computer and could't  find "GENERAL_DATA_h2389025596"  either.

I am so confused now😣

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  • Wizard
7 minutes ago, yiliheng said:

What a bad news!

At this moment, what we can do about this? Is there any way to shut down the aim smoothing? or mouse acceleration? 

No, the only thing you can do at the moment is to adjust your DPI to get the desired sensitivity, but smoothing will still be present.

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2分鐘前,DPI Wizard說:

No, the only thing you can do at the moment is to adjust your DPI to get the desired sensitivity, but smoothing will still be present.

Well, sigh..

Thank you anyway, plz let leave me a message, if you find something that solve this config problems, or any new way to rewrite the custom😊

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  • 1 year later...

Genshin has added separate vertical and horizontal sensitivity. There's still awful smoothing and limited sensitivity settings, but it should now be possible to get rid of the stupid difference between vertical and horizontal.

Unfortunately, setting it to, for example, Horizontal 5 and Vertical 5 isn't 1:1 sensitivity, it's the game's default sensitivity, with vertical scaled way lower. I'm having trouble figuring out what the ratio is.

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