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Only first person FOV can be changed.


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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Unplayable after setting config settings

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I converted settings from apex to battlefront 2 and the game was unplayable. 
I could not move the mouse away from the middle of the screen, and was totally stuck. 
Deleting the profile folder and starting the game again helped. 
So do I have to stick with the ingame settings? 

Any other issues that might occur that i should be aware of? 

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A small question also I wonder. 

I saw a video explaining how you'd want to cap fps at certain caps to match the monitor refresh rate and based on how much fps you produce. 
The video explained how it turned a somewhat blurry experience to be much more fluid and clear if the frame rate matched and was stable. 
I'm at 240hz with samsung g7, and always and 239 with a 12900k and 3080.
Should I cap at a lower fps to gain the smoothness? 
Also in Apex people change there aspect ratio, I've also tried and I love it. Not just becuse of easier hits, due to wider heads and bodies, which is kinda lame, but it seems to run more smooth. It actually feels like Battlefield V now much more. Any thoughts on this? 
With a stretch the horizontal sense remains the same, but verticly it changes? I don't feel like there is a change, atleast my hit rate on targets wouldn't say there was a difference. 

Edited by Zeish
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27 minutes ago, Zeish said:

The video explained how it turned a somewhat blurry experience to be much more fluid and clear if the frame rate matched and was stable. 
I'm at 240hz with samsung g7, and always and 239 with a 12900k and 3080.
Should I cap at a lower fps to gain the smoothness? 

this is related to gsync, if your monitor has that i would highly recomend capping your fps below your monitors max hz and enabling the feature

there are multiple videos from battle nonsens and a great guide by blurr bsuters

27 minutes ago, Zeish said:

lso in Apex people change there aspect ratio, I've also tried and I love it. Not just becuse of easier hits, due to wider heads and bodies, which is kinda lame, but it seems to run more smooth. It actually feels like Battlefield V now much more. Any thoughts on this? 

crutch you dont need to use jsut dont paly max fov and you get a similar effect without all the annoying parts liek not being able to match properly

27 minutes ago, Zeish said:

With a stretch the horizontal sense remains the same, but verticly it changes? I don't feel like there is a change, atleast my hit rate on targets wouldn't say there was a difference. 

depends on the res/ kind of stretch you use, still not worth it plenty of forum posts


Edited by fortunate reee
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