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Consistent sensitivity though all my games

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I'm seeking advice on achieving a consistent 40cm per 360° mouse movement in all my games for both Hipfire and ADS. While I've been using the mouse sensitivity converter for years, achieving my target of 40cm per 360° hasn't been entirely successful; the feel varies, and I'm not sure why.

I watched a video suggesting that monitor distance should be factored into sensitivity calculations. However, I'm struggling to implement this successfully. Could anyone guide me in adjusting my settings to achieve this consistency? Here's what I have in one of my preferred setups:

Main game to convert from: CS2 and R6 Siege
Monitor: 2560x1440, 26.5"
DPI: 1600
Desired Sensitivity: 40cm per 360°
Aspect Ratio: Native

Any assistance to achieve this level of consistency would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!



Edited by HardyPotato
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11 minutes ago, HardyPotato said:

because it doesn't always feel like the same across all the different FOV's, and I play quite the lot of games... A video I saw mentioned using the monitor distance instead, but I'm not sure I'm using it right. 

18 hours ago, HardyPotato said:

I'm seeking advice on achieving a consistent 40cm per 360° mouse movement in all my games for both Hipfire and ADS.

Desired Sensitivity: 40cm per 360°

Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.

Your desired goal of achieving 40cm per 360° for BOTH Hipfire and ADS while maintaining a feeling that the sensitivity isn't too fast is near impossible to achieve. This is mainly due in part to the fact that the FOV of your screen changes (larger zoom scopes have a lower FOV value, therefore being more zoomed in, therefore the sensitivity of the same cm/360° in a zoomed scope feels too fast) when using different zoomed level scopes.

Ultimately, as far as I'm aware, and much to my frustration there is no one size fits all conversion method between Hipfire to ADS, which will create the same/similar feeling from Hipfire to ADS, while maintaining a reasonable cm/360° distance. The science which has been concluded so far, is that it is all personal preference as to which conversion method you choose to use. Although many will tell you which is their preferred conversion method, and guides such as the conversion method guide in the forums > technical discussion > conversion method guide, will tell you that a good starting point is to use Monitor Distance Vertical 0% (good for same tracking speed, bad for same cm/360° distance, and especially penalizing for lower sensitivity users).

Additionally, with your FOV always changing between different scopes within the same game, your sensitivity/feeling of sensitivity between different games will often be affected if you have a different FOV used in a different game (whether that be because a game has a set maximum FOV lower than your intended FOV, or you decide to change it to a different value on a different game for whatever reason). But in saying that, you should try to keep your FOV the same across all your games (for Hipfire), that way it keeps the consistent feeling of same sensitivity while keeping the same cm/360° distance between games when using the 360° distance conversion method. Additionally some games sensitivities are affected within themselves by change in FOV between scopes and hipfire (and FOV between games), this can usually be seen at the bottom details of the page which says "affected by FOV" followed by a X or a tick next to it.

So if you wish to have the same cm/360° distance between games, use the 360° distance conversion method and convert from 40cm of whatever your starting game is, and do this the same across the board. Otherwise, you will possibly have to choose one of the monitor distance conversion methods to try and see if you can keep the consistent same 'feeling' of sensitivity across different FOV's.

Hope this all makes sense, sorry it's not condensed any further. Please if any other more expert users of the calculator can correct me please do. #rantover

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It makes sense to me, and I thank you a lot for this thorough explanation,.. 

As I understand it, I should pay more attention to my FOV, it does change across some of my games. 

There is an autoFOV calculation feature, and I will use this to automatically calculate all my games so that the HFOV is 103°. Most of my games go above 103, and I'm not really willing to go much lower than 100 so I think it's a good baseline. 

I'm not sure how much of an impact aiming really affects the sensitivity, but in most of the games I play I can't either tweak it so that it feels the same or it already does that on its own. 

I have come to understand more about horizontal monitor distance and scaling and keeping everything at a 100% should do exactly as I want.

Using this method whilst keeping the same FOV across my games I can tell that sensitivity feels entirely the same for all these 3 games: Hunt Showdown, Overwatch, and R6 Siege. I haven't tried COD yet, but if there was any problematic game, it was usually this one for me, I'd have to download it again to test.  

As for the vertical monitor distance, without understanding much of what it does, I can already say that if there really is no way,... That your method might be the next best thing. 

I guess I'll be testing out when I get to game and report back! 




Edited by HardyPotato
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