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  1. I see, well things actually make more sense now. I believe I got my head wrapped around this now Thank you mate
  2. @DPI Wizard 1. Oh yeah I didn't actually know you could calculate the FoV like that haha. Used to always believe that putting my R6 FoV at 106.26 would give me the same feel as in CS GO. This makes a lot more sens. 2. Yeah I actually saw this post by you (great one btw) just as you answered which explains the different FoV type. I used to believe that 4:3 base was for a 4.3 res and Res.Base for anyone playing their native res (which tends to be a 16:9 one). Link to the post below for any1 that might not fully understand FoV Type https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/659-whats-the-difference-between-those-vertical-and-so-on/ 3. Yeah that makes a lot of sense, so in other words you should always aim to get the discrepancy as close to 0% as possible? 4. I actually edited my post after reading abit on the forums and got some of the original questions answered, simply just forget to switch the numbers around lel 5. Ah I see, does this apply to scopes aswell then?
  3. Hi! I got a couple of questions which I cant really wrap my head around. 1. Calculator tells me default FoV is 90, should I use this despite playing 16:9? 2. How do I know which FoV type the game is using? 3. Why is this not giving the same 360 distance? The FoV is the same? https://gyazo.com/04cacc47383275a70a3f576e812cfd12 5. Also, is this a bug? 360 distance seems waay off. Or maybe I'm wrong https://gyazo.com/979f16f100ab39f4ab205dc42148c1d5 Ty, alot of questions and not the best english. However I'm going nuts not understanding, bare with me
  4. @Drimzi Thank you I was actually just about to ask this, it's like you're reading my mind. Also I truly appreciate the fact that you calculated my new sens for me, even though I thanks to that link now understand what you mean with the *0,875 part. It works great and I will be using this as my new base when setting my sens for new games. I have one question though, now when I transfer my sens to PUBG it tells me I should put it at 42 where earlier on my 1.7 stretched sens it told me to go for 44. Does this have to do with the fact that it's no longer a stretched sens? Cause I have been told changing res should not affect your sens (obv when going from stretched to non stretched but otherwise no) EDIT: Why does a comma and dots give different results? For example converting from 2,5 gives a lower result compared to 2.5
  5. @Bryjoe I started playing 4:3 cause I felt like there was less stuff on the screen for me to lose concentration on (I have problems with concentration generally). Stretched just came naturally because I can't stand to play with black-bars. However the reason why alot of people play stretched 4:3 (as mentioned by "WhoCares") has to do with the fact that the models feel bigger and easier to hit. Now this also makes them move faster, but that is a different story. I have recenly started to play on 1920x1080 though to eliminate the difference in x and y sense. This so that it will be more natural for me to have the same sens over different games. Plus the game looks way more crisp haha ;p We'll see what I like the most I guess
  6. @Drimzi Sorry haven't been on for a while, no I didn't test what you said. Mostly cause since the old viewspeed gave me a sens which feels quite good but also because I didnt fully understand how to actually test you theory. I mean I understand the theory and the part where you tell me to multiply the base length of cs go with 0,875. However I don't understand how to use this to get a new more "correct" sens. as you might have guessed, I'm not very techical. However I like to help as much as I can I have to say though, I loved the idea of having a checkbox for stretched.
  7. That's great to hear! I'll give it another go (y) Ty for the quick support great sir, U have saved me from alot of headache lol. Also this site truly is a lifesaver, u guys are doing great work.
  8. Ah I see, well that's great we could find that out (and by we I mean you). But I guess I'll be using Monitor Distance until the fix has been made in a upcoming patch. Also while we at it, how do I know which FoV type I should be using? Or it really doesnt matter?
  9. Ah okey yeah I was starting to figure that might be the case, however could not get my head around why every1 was saying viewspeed was working for them but not for me. But basically, stretched = Monitor Distance 75% | Native = Viewspeed? And if so, do you think that will be the same regardless what game I try to get my CSGO sens onto?
  10. So I've been trying to get my cs go sens over to pubg the entire day. However the sens the calculator recommends when using viewspeed feels sooo slow compared to my cs go sens. Am I doing somenthing wrong, if not can someone please explain why this is happening. The same thing happends in BF1 https://gyazo.com/aa618785b42c47e0d74a3edbd7d44f18
  11. Hi! So I've been trying to make my PUBG sens the same as my CSGO sens, however without much luck it seems. It tells me I sohuld put my PUBG sens at 39-44 depending if I use viewspeed or 360/monitor distance. So can someone please tell me how it should look like cause I'm going crazy over here, cant get it to feel the same. Thank you (I am a bit slow to bare with me) Settings I am playing 1440x1080 stretched in cs go https://gyazo.com/93ac60cf4d26bb558816c0b267851fe1
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