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Cocyx Skeleton

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Cocyx Skeleton last won the day on February 11 2020

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  1. Name: Hyper Demon Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1743850/HYPER_DEMON/ Status: Released Release date: 19 Sep, 2022 Availability: Purchase NOTE: This game is the sequel to Devil Daggers, however it has a very strange FOV that hopefully wont interfere with calculator.
  2. g_fpsmode 1 allows you to move around and play normally in the "snipe" view (i forget what buttons the default binding for the snipe view, since i rebound it), so it basically turns the snipe view button into a toggle between first and third person. there's also a bunch of commands you can see with the "help" command that shows all the available console commands if you're curious to mess around with stuff, although i couldn't find a way to completely turn off the third person camera's weird deaccel, but first person is completely unaffected afaik
  3. Name: Shadow Man Remastered Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1413870/Shadow_Man_Remastered/ Status: Released Release date: April 15, 2021 Availability: Purchase NOTE: You can play the game in first person by using g_fpsmode 1 in console (press ~ to open console)
  4. is it possible to get a zoom_sensitivity_ratio for the crossbow? you can easily find a crossbow by going to "Create Server" in the main menu and selecting the map "crossfire", and then going to the 2nd floor (there's two crossbows on the second floor of the main arena, one on each side on a "balcony") i believe the zoom_sensitivity_ratio for the crossbow zoom is 0.7526039401946684 (for 0% MM) but i want to make sure. the crossbow is basically the awp of half-life deathmatch so flick shots are super important with it
  5. Name: Half-Life Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/70/HalfLife/ Status: Release Release date: 1998 Availability: Purchase i mainly want this cause counter-strike 1.6 on the calculator no longer lets you set a custom FOV (i use 106), and i'd like to know the zoom_sensitivity_ratio of the zoom on the crossbow
  6. Pathologic 2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/505230/Pathologic_2/
  7. personally, out of everything i've tried, 0% feels the best to me. i play pretty low sens though (57.5 cm/360). i've never been able to do a full 360 in one swipe in about 5-ish years, so i'm very used to low sens + lifting mouse (even in quake/fast arena fps's). 0% feels especially good for "aimlocking" onto peoples heads across all games i play (even fortnite!)
  8. I actually like it a lot too after using it for a while at a lower DPI. What's the zoom sensitivity ratio that you use? I couldn't seem to figure out how to calculate mine (it gave me an absurdly low sensitivity)
  9. I got 0.4521473983201809 which doesn't seem right (1.77685339 divided by 3.92981005). I can't really see what I'm doing wrong though. Also, is the 40 FOV the first zoom or the second zoom of the awp?
  10. What's the best method for calculating CSGO's zoom sensitivity ratio using the new formula? I'm not sure what CSGO's zoom FOV is, or which one I should use.
  11. I actually quite like the 1:1 formula with a lower DPI, personally. I recommend people just lower their DPI and use the 1:1 ratio.
  12. Holdfast: Nations at War http://store.steampowered.com/app/589290/Holdfast_Nations_At_War/
  13. Yeah I lowered my dpi down to 200 (the lowest it can possibly go) and it feels much better atm, but it's slower than what I'm used to so I'm still adjusting to it.
  14. I already added GZDoom to the request megathread. Hopefully it gets added soon!
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