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Everything posted by WhoCares?

  1. Can you update CoD:BO2 ? Now you can set 0.01 steps instead of 0.1
  2. Can anyone report, if there are decimal in the confic-file?
  3. It would be horrific if they dont change it in the release-game. A huge backstep! Do you remember if the Bf4 Beta had just integral numbers too?
  4. Aren't there any decimal in the calculator? Integral numbers are way too unprecise! I got more than 0.5 cm discrepancy Are you going to change this problem? -Mfg WhoCares?-
  5. He already disabled mouse acceleration with the MarkC Mouse fix Btw, I bought CoD AW too and can't fix the mouse issues I think it is map related. On some maps i have no problems and on other maps my mouse is lagging like sh***
  6. Thanks for your report! As soon as these problems get fixed I am going to buy this game. It looks really fun!
  7. Try this: "To fix mouse acceleration in CoD-AW, open your config_mp.cfg file in notepad. Change 'cl_yawspeed' and 'cl_pitchspeed' to 0. Change 'seta in_mouse' to 2. Make sure you set the file as read-only or it will revert. If issues persist, change your polling rate to 125Mhz. "
  8. Can you give us a short report about the overall performance in this game? Is it well optimised for PC? Are there any issues like tearing, micro-stuttering, fps-drops and netcode? I am not sure if I should get this game for PC because of technical problems :/ Mfg WhoCares?
  9. Is it right, that mouse-sensitivity in CoD AW dependents on fps? I think it is quite difficult to get an exact calculation.
  10. I know^^ SG 553, AUG, Scout Elite and AWP have also scopes. My intention was to show that a equal HIP and ADS sensitivity can be useful Nevertheless I prefer a 0.5 reduction in aim-speed when ADS like all reddots-sights from Bf3 have.
  11. If you play Counter Striker or games without scopes/ADS you are going to like the new feature Does anyone know what effect "uniform aim [soldier]" and "coefficient" in the advanced options have?
  12. Thank you very much! Great support on your website The account management is okay, except of the problem with my automatically payment
  13. Hello DPI Wizard! I have a problem with my subscription. I bought a subscription but canceled it before the new month have started. After the 30 days of using the advanced mode I had no longer access to the advanced mode as expected. But now, another 30 days later, i got an email about an automatically payment(1,5€) to mousesensitivity.com I hadn't orderd it and I hadn't reactivate the substciption. So why there was an automatically payment? I havent got access to advanced mode as well in the moment. I hope you can help me! Mfg WhoCares Here is an picture from my (old) order (24 July-24 August): http://s7.directupload.net/images/140928/ykkbkc7o.png
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