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Everything posted by TheBrandon

  1. Thank you so much!! Wasn’t multiplier 1 the place for .75 (ADS zoom) and Sensitivity 2 as the monitor coefficient which is 1. What I was trying to accomplish was matching hip fire to both games and Separately SMG Iron/Reflex (.75) to red dot/ holo on Siege with the 10 hip fire. I believe I came up with 52 but I’d have to check it. I’ve given up on ACOG in Siege. Sounds like we always want default FOV that the calculator loads automatically, so I shouldn’t ever worry or touch this? I’m assuming you just put coefficient at 0 due to putting the ads Monitor distance and scope scale @ 75%? What would be wrong with matching the VFOV and HFOV between two games and doing the conversion? How did you come up with 64 for FOV?
  2. Can anyone chime in on this please? It’s been 4 months I paid for a lifetime membership and still can not get an answer for this workflow. It feels like if I match Actual VFOV and HFOV and do the hip fire conversions (8.68 and 10 for Siege), do the Irons/SMG with the coefficient I use and convert to Holo it should be a 1 for 1 or pretty dang close between the two games.
  3. I have tried hard to not have to post so I apologize in advance and want to give a major kudos to how patient everyone is. I've hit my limit as I feel the more I read about this the more confused I get. I am probably just over thinking this. Under Conversion setup, what exactly should I choose? I ask because I've seen 100% on 360, ADS and Scope 100% for Monitor Distance Horizontal but I can't change my 360 Distance. Its not an option so I just don't know. Convert COD to Siege, In COD I mostly use a SMG with Irons which I need to convert to ADS on Siege with the correct FOV. I run 2560 x 1440 on a 27 inch display in 16:9 80 FOV 400 DPI, Co Efficient is 1, ADS Field is Affected, Mouse Sensitivity is 8.68, ADS low and high is .75. Does this look correct? What would this convert to Siege in a 4:3 stretched aspect? I am hoping to understand the workflow on this better. What should my FOV be on COD? Is the default Hdeg 16:9 correct? I entered 80 since that is what mine is set too in game and it defaults to 16:9. What should Siege look like? I believe my sens would be 10 however how do I get my ADS (on COD its .75) to Siege and what should I choose for the FOV and FOV Type under Siege settings? Should I be guessing but just putting in values until it shows the distance? Thanks again for your patience. This just isn't clicking with me for whatever reason and I look at this every few months. I am sure once I understand the lightbulb will explode.
  4. Did you get this sorted? This is where I am, exact same game. I went from crazy good player to sending it on MW for a few days and my Siege aim fell a part bad. I am going to grab a lifetime subscription today to this site but want to be able to use it to do just this.
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