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  1. The problem with not using 0% is every game is going to have some arbitrary variables that are counter to a goal of maintaining constants between multiple aims and games. Increasing ADS sensitivity for one game will have knockoff effects on games that do not require that aim agility. For example, every game is going to have different engagement distances, character strafe speeds etc, and you can't expect to calibrate one game and be consistent in another where the arbitrary variables not comparable. As for prominent CSGO awper's (professional), they seem to have forgone the role of rifler, in favor of a responsive scoped sensitivity. The difference is they do not go significantly above 0%, they just have an abnormally high base sensitivity. As for what is superior way to play? There is some outlier riflers who use an abnormally high sensitivity compared to others in the same role, and they would also be able to flex into the AWP role if needed.
  2. Ideally microsoft would change the behavior of removing the accumulator if dividing by 2, by dropping every other count.
  3. Stick to integers and avoid the bad steps, if you want to maintain consistency across various configurations. Going below 6/11 requires division (Non Integer) alonside an accumulator (Hidden Counts). Sticking to integer configs, 6/11, 8/11 and 10/11, removes division and the accumulator. Just divide game sensitivity and it will be identical across various DPI and sensitivities. MouseSensitivity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Control Panel tick 0th 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th Multiplier (EPP off) 1/32 1/16 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 Multiplier (EPP on) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
  4. 400 - DPI - 9.00 - 90 FOV. This is if your coming from 1080p 103 fov, your muscle memory will adjust to lower cm/360. Alternatively install mouse acceleration driver and do 400 DPI 5.66 with a 2 sensitivity cap, Adjust Acceleration to get same "flick" sensitivity as 800 DPI 5.66 and raise offset from 0 (Preference) to not affect tracking aim.
  5. Low sensitivity (CM/360), DPI>=400 with teflon feet, with these high static friction mouspads. (Ordered by highest static friction) 1. Zowie GSR (Highest Friction) 2. SS QCK 3. Roccat Kanga If anyone has anything with more static friction mousepads, should post. High sensitivity (CM/360), DPI<=400 Dpi with custom high friction mouse feet, Low friction, rough texture. (Ordered by highest compatibility) 1. Artisan Zero 2. Artisan Hien and/or clones (Zowie P-TFX) (Jelly Comb) 3. ? Hard pads are too smooth, leading to high friction, even though offer same roughness as above mousepads, not good with high friction mouse feet.
  6. It is what I am looking for, to calculate the FOV as a Float, or expose rounded values. Thanks for posting this.
  7. Thanks for the reply. I think I am looking for something slightly different, I wanted to manipulate config FOV to make up for Actual FOV discrepancies. I use an alternative 0% sensitivity conversion that also determines my angular sensitivity. Say in this hypothetical pixel division of the Horizontal Resolution 2560 / 1.666*** is 1536 x 864, divides perfectly, although I still do not know my exact FOV, ~106.26. If I divide 2560 twice I get a floating value and need to round everything off. 922 x 518 with 89.93 config fov is 106.26 ... close enough but not exact. The matching error rate is up to 1.0002727411292148626%, and since my angular sensitivity is also tied to FOV, my angular sensitivity error rate is also double that percent. This is worst case scenario, and I do understand that the error rate of a small value is insignificant.
  8. A feature to FOV match as close as possible, given the engine supports granular adjustments (multiple decimals), such as Multi. Since many variables such as pixel density and aspect ratios can influence the exactness of FOV matching. Possible changes include a copy and/or more decimal points shown to the user.
  9. This is converting from a generic 4:3 Engine Config (CSS for calculator) to Apex Legends using MDH 0%. 3.34996552312477697744 - 102 Fov - 1280 x 1080 Resolution. This results in 95.33 HFOV and Converts to Apex hipfire 4.605333 - 1.7 Fov - 1280 x 1080 Resolution, 1x Aim is 95.33 HFOV. Changing these settings around to a symmetrical resolution and compensating with config Fov causes this to happen. 3.34996552312477697744 - 78.92 Fov - 1280 x 720 Resolution. This results in 95.33 HFOV and Converts to Apex hipfire 4.220767 - 1.315429 Fov - 1280 x 720 Resolution, 1x Aim is 95.33 HFOV. Which one of these is correct? Maybe I am missing some setting to change, but it looks like the calculator is trying to compensate for some aspect ratio discrepancies needlessly in this case making it faster since the smaller aspect ratio makes the image "smaller" to it. I will stick to 16:9 conversions if this is confirmed accurate.
  10. I would prefer every aim to be 0% as well, but the conversion from 80-86 hipfire to apex rifle ads-hipfire offset is uncontrollable in hipfire. This also has a knockoff effect on snipers, if i understand the current apex sitiuation correctly.
  11. After the new patch, has any of the sniper scoped sensitivity configurations changed? I'm currently ignoring sniper scopes (1.0 sensitivity modifier), in case everything is changed over and over.
  12. ADS should be split between "Primary" (Rifle, LMG, Sniper) FOV and "Secondary" (SMG, Pistol) FOV. Secondary ADS is closest but not the same to 1x, Primary is currently the existing ADS.
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