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Posts posted by d0shie

  1. Can this be updated to use the in-game FOV slider instead? The "m_fFieldOfViewMultiplier" command is now useless as the game ignores and removes it from the .ini file.

  2. Is there a reason why every other sensitivity converter (including Kovaak's) is giving me a different, higher sens compared to this?

    I'm coming from CS2 with 1.0@800DPI and this gives me 0.296 while everywhere else consistently gives a value of 0.314. Is there something I'm missing here?

    Edit: stumbled upon this reddit thread from a while back, it would seem that the divider used is different. I forgot that we were talking about matching 0% versus 360 distance here.

  3. 13 hours ago, STR8_AN94BALLER said:

    there's no launch drivers for nvidia gpus yet

    The Game Ready Driver for Starfield already came out almost two weeks ago, it's 537.13. That said, I have a strong feeling there will be another one to fix the abysmally low power draw even though the GPU is at 99% utilization.

  4. 14 hours ago, DPI Wizard said:

    I've added a new special option now specifically for the Mouse Fix mod.

    Thanks for the amazing support, you must have every game installed on your hard drives haha.

    It appears that with the fix, the sensitivity is 1:1 to Metro Last Light. Most likely due to the same Redux engine in both games and said fix works universally.

  5. 15 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    The additional settings (flight and cursor) can't really be added due to how they work.

    I remembered why and that totally makes sense, but FOV seems to have been put in a different config file at a different location.

  6. Name: Syndicate (2012)
    Website: No longer available for purchase since the game was delisted. Can still be obtained via other means.
    Status: Release
    Release date: 21 February 2012
    Availability: Unavailable for purchase.

    Odd ball of a game but I love it to death and have replayed multiple times.

  7. 1 hour ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Thanks, tested it now and it breaks the weapon zoom, they barely zoom in if you change the fov. I can still add support for it I think.

    If anything I believe the benefit you get from being able to see more in hipfire is enough to justify using it.

    Does suck that ADS FOV is unaffected though.

  8. I would like to point out that vertical sensitivity scaling is different from horizontal. I can't remember on the top of my head but it's probably something like half the speed of horizontal.

    Please take a look and verify if possible. This can be set by using m_pitch.

  9. 23 hours ago, DPI Wizard said:

    I didn't detect any issues, but have had issues with WebGL games in Chrome previously where they felt terrible. In Firefox I never had any issues, but now they also works in Chrome for me. I think the issue in Chrome was "Use hardware acceleration when available" and some other setting, I don't quite remember what 😕

    Well I'm happy that my sens calculation was super close to the calculator.
    I can lend you my account to test the other weapons as well if need be. I'm pretty sure they're not all the same so ADS and Scoped alone might not be 100% accurate.

  10. No freaking way? I play this game a ton but it's always had terrible and weird input problem. Perhaps it's gone now and I didn't notice?
    I talked about it to the developer and he acknowledged that Unity WebGL struggles with registering small mouse movements. Is this not the case anymore?


    12 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Other than the menus being a bit shuffled around I couldn't find anything new. Did you have some specific in mind that doesn't work?

    I know I mentioned you but truth be told I'm only coming back to the game now after months.
    I read some patch notes and one particular from December last year included a change for 2X and 4X scopes.


    2X and 4X scoped FOV is now independent of the Field of View setting

    A user above my original reply also made note of this. Am I wrong to assume that this would make the current calculator incorrect?

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