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Everything posted by Raesaekoe

  1. Thank you for your reply. So to sum it up for 1:1 accuracy, and decent desktop speed. I use 6500 for mouse dpi, set windows settings 3/11 and it will turn out to be effectively 1625 dpi. So for raw input games I just calculate 6500 * (number I need for my cm/360) For non raw input games I just calculate 1625 * (number I need for my cm/360) Please advise if I got this right.
  2. So can I safely say that it is not going to be accurate? If I use something like 1600 at 3/11 it is effectively 400 dpi so it is accurate. 6500 at 3/11 is 1625 so it isn’t going to be an accurate movement?
  3. I’m curious, if I use 6500 and 3/11 in wps, what actual value does it give me? There is no mouse dpi at 1625.
  4. Thank you for your reply, is fov in game needed when converting from ingame to desktop sens?
  5. Hi, I was doing a calculation from ingame sense to desktop. But every time I change the ROUNDING option from 0.1 to 1 to 50, it gives me different, albeit similar, measurements. Can someone advise which is the most accurate measurement and the different between the 3 stated values? Also, to convert to desktop speed from ingame speed, should I use monitor horizontal or vertical distance? And if so what value to use? 0% or 100% for best accuracy? please advise. ps: summoning DPI Wizard
  6. Hi I am currently using 23.7cm/360 in games and would like to convert to a similar desktop speed. How do I do that? Please help
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