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Everything posted by Fiddlywiddly

  1. All of a sudden I'm hitting shots i would struggle to hit before applying this, LOL!
  2. Same issue here. I play 39.5cm on CSGO, BF1 and BF4. Viewspeed matching hipfires feels too slow, cm/360 match feels too fast and I flick to the wrong spots. Most fights end up in shotgun fights too so using a 58cm (I think that's the viewspeed match from csgo to FN in my case) isn't really feasible, there's too much jumping and turning (for building) for it to be viable. This games settings are seriously frustrating, they don't even have a hold to crouch option which i've been using since I started pc gaming. Not to mention the poor sensitivity slider, poor crosshair and weird X/Y sens. I feel like my ability to aim up close in this game is half compared to other games lol. ADS feels alright since I have the viewspeed set to my BF1 hipfire, something like a 0.71 modifier for ADS.
  3. It's no wonder my aim is noticeably worse in this game than others, lol. The viewspeed cm/360 feels too slow because the FOV is so low, Y sens lower than X and since viewspeed is too slow feeling on hipfire (if I match CSGO to fortnite) I kept my cm/360 the same as csgo which feels too fast, I flick to the wrong spots on my monitor. Then there's the fact that the default crosshair is total shit and there's no hold to crouch option....jesus.
  4. I always fall back to using either 38cm or 41-43cm at 74 vertical FOV, these are all good middle ground sensitivities that you can perform well with on all games. You might perform a bit better with either slower/faster depending on the game but at these cm/360s you'll still have good performance and everything feels comfortable. I could see my wrist and arm suffering long term at <25cm/360 or >50cm 360
  5. This is the best way to do it IMO. Judging by top tier player settings they do something similar. All range around 0.6-0.8 targeting sens and 0.5-0.7 scope sens. Too sluggish to viewspeed match hipfire so I just have mine set to my regular 360 dist. Doing this i'm 600 dpi 0.06 with something like 0.75 targeting and 0.7 sniper scope, same kind of setup as the top guys just with my preferred sens.
  6. Pretty incredible how bad the default settings are for this game considering how good BF4 & BF1s are. Constantly having to change my scoped sens depending on the weapon.
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